Pivot Report

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Pivot Report

The Pivot Report provides a summary of expense costs, detailing the total amount and total claim item amounts claimed by each claimant in a specific month. It is a powerful tool for tracking and analyzing spending patterns across the organization.

Importance of the Pivot Report

  • Expense Tracking: Identifies high-cost areas and spending trends.

  • Financial Analysis: Facilitates detailed examination of claim patterns.

  • Organizational Insights: Provides data-driven insights to support budget allocation and policy adjustments.

Steps to Generate a Pivot Report

  1. Access the Pivot Report:

    • Navigate to the Pivot Report option in the Reports Side Menu.

  2. Select Year and Month:

    • Choose the specific year and month for the report you wish to generate.

  3. Generate the Report:

    • Click on the "Generate" button to display the result in the system interface.

  4. Export the Report:

    • Use the "Export Report" button to download the Pivot Report in an Excel format.


Generated Pivot Report

The generated report provides:

  • Entity Name: Identifies the organizational unit or company.

  • Job Group: Categorizes claims by specific job groups.

  • GL Code: Includes General Ledger codes for financial tracking.

  • Claim Items and Amounts: Lists individual claim items along with their corresponding amounts.

Exported Pivot Report

Exported Pivot Report

The exported report offers a comprehensive Excel format, making it easy to:

  • Share data with stakeholders.

  • Conduct advanced analysis using spreadsheet tools.

  • Present summarized and detailed expense information during financial reviews.

The Pivot Report is an invaluable resource for Finance teams and decision-makers, enabling efficient expense management and strategic planning.

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