Coupon Function

Coupon Function


  • In EMP, coupon functions exactly like a normal Serialized Item Code, you can Receive coupon into EMP via GRN and Issue (Sale) a coupon. In addition, you can Redeem coupon as a Method of Payment (MOP) to offset an invoice.
  • Unlike normal item code, coupon can expire once issued, if expiration date elapsed, customer would not be able to redeem it anymore.
  • There are 3 different prices of the coupon which are independent from each other;
    • Face Value → this is the amount used as a Method of Payment (MOP) to pay (or Redeem) for an invoice. This price should NOT be modified once issuance of the coupon started
    • Selling Price → this is how much money you charge to customer if you sell the coupon as an item
    • Cost Price → this is the cost price of the coupon when you perform GRN to receive the coupon into EMP

System Flow

Step 1: Setup configuration Coupon function in the EMP system → refer to Setting / Configuration

Step 2Add Item → choose Coupon Type and fill up the VALUE

Step 3: Create Direct Receiving Stock → to stock in the Coupon 

  • Select the coupon item code, item prices and key in the serial number 

Step 4: Create Full Screen Cash Sale or Create Invoice → to issue out the coupon (Coupon Sales to Customer)

  • This when there is Sales Involve when give the coupon to customer
  • Example: The Value of Coupon is RM 5,000 and the Coupon is being sale to customer for RM 3,000
  • Journal would be: 2. Create Journal
    Dr. AccRec 3,000
    Cr.  Sales 3,000

Step 5: Create Journal Transaction → to Transfer Sales to Liability (as Coupon is not an sales but liability)

Step 6: Customer perform Redemption of Coupon under Full Screen Cash Sale

  • Select Payment "other"

  • RCT Journal:

Dr Coupon Expenses 10,000
Cr accRec 10,000

Step 7: Create Payment Voucherto consolidate

  • Add the GL Code → coupon issue
  • PV Journal:

Dr Coupon Issue 3,000
Cr Coupon Expenses 3,000


  • Profit and Loss will be updated for the Coupon Expenses → RM5,000 (coupon value) - RM 3,000 (Sales to customer)
  • Please take note that user can receive coupon into EMP at ANY Cost Price, Issue (or Sale) coupon with ANY Selling Price, and Redeem with ANY Face Value
  • Refer to the double entry on the coupon under Full Life Cycle of Accounting Treatment for Coupon

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