SW - PMO Telegram Reply Template

SW - PMO Telegram Reply Template

No .Issue TypeFirst Response TemplateRequest to Restart ServerUpdate Reply Template
1.Server Down
  • "Hi @Customer_name , noted on the above, kindly allow us to check your server performance and feedback to you. Can provide us details on which page you load slow / can't open . We will create issue for this to investigate further on the root cause of server slow and update you accordingly"

  • “Hi @Customer_name, please allow us a moment to check the server performance. Could be Kind to provide some details on which page that is slow/doesn’t load. An issue will be created for further investigation on the root cause.”

  • “Hi @Customer_name, kindly allow us some time to perform the checks on your server and update you. Coud you please provide more details on the page that is loading slowly/doesn’t load, it will help speed up the process. We will also assist in creating an issue for further investigation on the root cause of this matter.”

  • “Hi @Customer_name, we are trying to solve your problem now , but first , Could you please provide more details on the page that is loading slowly/doesn’t load ?"

  • “Hi @Customer_name, We would like to suggest to move your server to our AWS cloud. Because there is many cases happen to on premise server. The worse is your hard disk is corrupted and unable to retrieve the data. If your side interested, we can send quotation to you with monthly charges RM720.00 for the cloud service."

  • Hi, we would recommend restarting the server, can we proceed with the restart, we would appreciate if all your users stop using, to avoid data discrepancy later.

  • Hi, we would like to restart the server and we believe that would resolve your slowness. Can we proceed to restart?

  • Hi, your server needs to be restarted to resolve the slowness, can we proceed? Please also ask all your users to logout
  • "Hi @Customer_name , your server can be accessed now . Based on our finding the root cause is .........."

  • “Hi @Customer_name, your server is accessible now. Kindly refer to <issue_number>. Based on our finding, XXXX is causing XXXX…”

  • If not sure/cannot find the root cause, reply like this: "We have done your Instance Status Checks. The instance hits XX% of CPU around XX AM Malaysia Time. Currently we don't find any error or EMP report generation that causing this peak.
    We will raise an AWS Support ticket regarding this and we will let you know if we will arrange server maintenance to your server
    Apologize for inconveniences"
2.Issues Status / Progress
  • “Hi @Customer_name, kindly allow us to trace the issue status. We will get back to you on the update within 10 minutes.”

  • Hi, the issue is currently in progress with our Development Team, after it passes internal testing, we will update you to arrange a server update. It is estimated to be completed <time here> and the server update thereafter, You will be further updated via the ticket https://wavelet.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/2/WH-XXXX. Thanks

  • Hi, the issue is currently unassigned, we have escalated it to our manager to assign, you will be further update via the ticket. Thanks

  • Hi, the issue is currently in progress with our Development Team, after it passes internal testing, we will update you to arrange a server update. It is estimated to be completed <time here> and the server update thereafter, thanks

  • (If ask on weekend only :

"Hi @Customer_name , the issue currently assigned to <assignee_name> , I will get the assignee to update you on the issue status on next working day . )

3.General Question on System Functionality

4.System Error / Printable Error
  • Hi,

    We have fixed the concern raised, kindly double check and confirm if it has been resolved

  • Hi,

    We would require more time to resolve the concern raised, could you please create a ticket for this so a member of the team can look to resolve it at the earliest.

  • Hi,
    We would require more time to resolve this concern raised, we have created XXXX and add email@email.com to the issue as participant

  • Hi,

    We would require more time to resolve this concern raised, could you please confirm your email address, we will add you to the ticket so that you can follow up on it

5.Create Branch
  • "Hi @Customer_name , Please create an issue under https://wavelet.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portal/2 . Please provide full information on the issue :

    Company Name:
    Inventory Location: please specify is new location (if new, follow Branch code) or link to existing location (please provide location code)
    Branch Code:
    Branch Description:
    Phone No:
    Fax No.:
    Cashbook Cash Drawer :

    Cashbook Credit Card :

    Cashbook Cheque :

    Cashbook PD Cheque :

    Cashbook Coupon :

    Cashbook Other :

  • Once we receive the full information from your side, we will create the branch within 2 business days. Thanks

  • "Hi @Customer_name , your new branch has been created under <branch_code> "
6.Trial Balance / Balance Sheet not tally


Permission / System Configuration
  • Hi,

    Kindly allow us to look into this. We shall update you <<<time needed>>>>. Thanks

  • Hi ,

    Please provide the username / role that doesn't have permission to view this page / to generate this report .

  • Hi ,

    You can enable the permission under Control Panel -> System Admin -> Manage Users -> Configure Role Permission -> .......

  • Hi ,

    You can enable the configuration under Control Panel -> System Admin -> EMP Configuration -> --------

8.Slowness on certain Branch
  • Hi,
    If only certain branch that has this problem, you need to make sure :
    1) Check your internet speed and screenshot https://fast.com/
    2) Make sure that your browser is using the latest version
    3) Access page using menu and avoid using bookmark when to access page

9.When received any term of payment
  • Hi, we'll notify our finance team regarding this. Thank you for your payment

10Providing customer with date of completion When the issue is with the development team

If the issue status is

If the issue is with development team or development is in progress.

Hi, the issue is currently in progress with our Development Team, after it passes internal testing, we will update you to arrange a server update. The estimation for date of completion is as follows:

→ Bug issues are estimated to be completed In 1-2 to weeks.

→ Enhancement issues are estimated to be completed In 1-4 weeks.


We create issues for boss of the company not ask them to create issue.

If customer has not created issue within 2 hours of reporting the problem when asked by us to do so,

----> we ask them if they would like us to create the issue <--- Our aim is to resolve customer problem and have happy and satisfied customers not ding dong the problem, as we got to fix it at some point


You are expected to reply to the customer in PM at the same SLA and level of service as in the group.

Please avoid using Negative words to customers examples

ProblemConcerned Raised
System Error



Make the customer sound stupid. Example below.


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