Full Screen Cash Sale_EMP Configuration

Full Screen Cash Sale_EMP Configuration

Full Screen Cash Sale is very similar to the Cash Sale except for the layout (covers the whole screen). Other than that, both functions allow users to enter cash, cheque, credit card payments for sales transactions to customers. Full Screen Cash Sale is useful for cashiers because of the wide layout of the screen, as everything is presented on the same screen. This helps the cashier enter and extract information easily and quickly. Apart from that, shortcut buttons are also available for the convenience of the cashiers.


  1. Select a Branch. Click 'Change'
  2. Select a Salesman and click 'Set'.
  3. Users can click 'Home' and be redirected to home after the cashsale.
  4. To reprint a previous cashsale made, click the optional button, enter a the cashsale number and click 'Reprint'.
  5. To change the date, click the optional button and Click 'Set'.
  6. To select which you want the cashsale to be printed, click optional button, select a format for which you want the cashsale to be printed. Click 'Set'.
  7. If the payment is meant for a Jobsheet Invoice, click the optional button, enter the PKID and click 'Load'. See Jobsheet Listing to obtain the JS no. or referCreate Jobsheet to create Jobsheet


Click 'Account' to select the customer's name from the system. If it's a new customer, click 'New Corporate / Personal Account'. If the customer has a member card, click on the card number to select. If users click on the customer name instead of the member card, system will assume that the customer do not have a member card, thus he or she could not get or redeem the membership points.

  • An alternative way is by entering the member card no. (if any) and enter a name to 'Bill To' manually.
  • Click on 'Select Deposit Settlement' if the customer wants to use the deposit he/she paid earlier to offset the bill. Enter the amount under the Payment field of the respective receipt, click 'Submit'.
  • Notice that the amount will automatically appear under 'Paying' in Summary. Same goes for cash and credit card payments


Payment methods is divided into (a combination of deposit, cash, cheque and credit card payments is permitted):

  • Cash - Just input the amount. Press Enter.
  • Credit card (Visa / Master)
    > Key in the amount and press Enter.
    > Swipe the card and the details (merchant, credit number number, name and expiry date will appear).
    > Enter the Approval Code.
  • Other (a new window will appear):
    > Cheque - Enter amount, cheque number and select cashbook.
    > Post-dated cheque - Input amount, cheque number and date the cheque can be cashed in.
    > Coupon - Amount
    > Other / Contra - Key in amount and select a cashbook to be deducted from.
    > Finally, click 'SUBMIT'.


This area is full automated.

  • The bill amount (in red) is obtained from the Item Search / Package.
  • 'Paying' amount is the total of all the payment methods (deposit, cash, credit card and cheque). Eg. 150 + 90 + 50 + 280 = 570.
  • Change = Bill amount - Paying




Full Screen Cash Sale - Wavelet - Enterprise Management Portal.png (23.1 kB) Delete Gracia Surialim, 2014-03-11 09:50 AM

item search - Wavelet - Enterprise Management Portal.png (65.3 kB) Delete Gracia Surialim, 2014-03-11 09:50 AM

Full Screen Cash Sale 2 - Wavelet - Enterprise Management Portal.png (94.6 kB) Delete Gracia Surialim, 2014-03-11 09:50 AM

Search Customers - Wavelet - Enterprise Management Portal.png (60.9 kB) Delete Gracia Surialim, 2014-03-11 09:50 AM

Payment - Wavelet - Enterprise Management Portal.png (36.9 kB) Delete Gracia Surialim, 2014-03-11 09:50 AM

Select Deposit Settlement - Wavelet - Enterprise Management Portal.png (33.4 kB) Delete Gracia Surialim, 2014-03-11 09:50 AM

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