Error null when editing item

Error null when editing item

The error appears after clicking save and the item does not updated.

Showlog the error will give error at line 871 from DoInvItemEdit

  1. Check the categoryid for the item

    select pkid, item_code, categoryid from inv_item where item_code = 'ACER-K202HQL'; pkid | item_code | categoryid -------+--------------+------------ 83838 | ACER-K202HQL | 1000 (1 row)
  2. Check the categoryid. This shows that the categoryid for the item is not existing.

    select * from inv_category where pkid = 1000; pkid | category_code | name | description | status | lastupdate | userid_edit | parent_id | level ------+---------------+------+-------------+--------+------------+-------------+-----------+------- (0 rows)
  3. Check the existing category, for this example, the category code is 0X0

    select * from inv_category where pkid = 0; pkid | category_code | name | description | status | lastupdate | userid_edit | parent_id | level ------+---------------+------+-------------+--------+-------------------------+-------------+-----------+------- 0 | 0X0 | | | active | 2012-04-27 17:23:45.236 | 504 | -1 | 0 (1 row)
  4. Update the categoryid for the item and double check if the item was correctly updated.


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