


New Feature

Issue NumberAffected ScreenNew FeatureProgrammer

1) JS conso

2) JS Listing > Convert to SO

3) Edit JS > Create Bill

4) Create SO > Load JS > SO create

5) Create SO > Load JS > SO+INV create

6) Create INV > Load JS > INV create

7) Create INV > Load SO > INV create

8) SO Listing

9) SR by INV

10) SR multi INV

11) manual customer CM create

12) customer CM created wit Trade-In item

Include Major Industry Code in JS, SO, Inv, SR, CM item level

Jimmy Low
WH-9790GST Output Tax Filing / GST-03 Item 19

Enhance GST Filing to handle Major Industry Code (MSIC)

Jimmy Low



Issue NumberAffected ScreenPermissionProgrammer

Bug Fixes

Issue NumberAffected ScreenProblemProgrammer
WH-8412CC-07 The document outstanding is wrongIda
WH-11757Direct Receiving StockWhen load Invoice, the GRN record "SR" tax codeIda
WH-8005AP Bad Debt ReliefVarious fix on the functinalityIda
WH-10146Upload cash sale tThe tax code is not following upload fileIda
WH-12733Footwear Edit ArticleArticle price_tax_option is not ticked resulting the price to be wrongIda
WH-12641Florist New OrderThe tax amount is incorrectIda
WH-12693Jobsheet EditReference number not saved upon editIda
WH-10205Edit Workshop jobsheetRedirection back to payment tab after any change.Das
WH-13152Create InvoiceUnable to Load SO on InvoiceIda
WH-11837Log In Page

Login Email Failed : after editing customer_user email address



sr-09 : filtering not function, Item Code Fuzzy Search, Item Category


Customer -> Edit Credit Memo

Customer -> Edit Credit Memo -> Total Tax Amount of credit memo is not updated


Trading > Jobsheet > workshop > Create jobsheet

Trading > Jobsheet > workshop > Edit jobsheet

balance of RCT does not update

WH-12376Footwear > Create Sales OrderMultiple Pricing Matrix calculation correctedJimmy
WH-12644Finance > Payment Voucher > Create Payment VoucherCharacter limit increased to 150 for Payee nameJimmy
WH-12203Procurement > Transactions > Edit Purchase OrderDisable editing of supplier if PO is already converted to GRNJimmy
WH-12076Trading > Sales > Upload InvoiceFixed Batch and Expiry time item to be uploaded in invoiceJimmy
WH-11486Distribution > Sales Order > Misc Listing > General Sales Order ListingSales Order with type '' (empty) can be filtered now!Jimmy
WH-12068Reports > Stock Reports > SSR-03Credit Memo viewing is fixed.Jimmy
WH-11847Trading > Jobsheet > Workshop > Jobsheet > EditDisallowed editing of closed jobsheetJimmy
WH-11792Customer > Credit Memo > ContraFixed document amount in case of multiple settlementJimmy
WH-11492Official Receipt ListingGL Dimension filter is fixedJimmy

Procurement > Transactions > Purchase Return

Procurement > Transactions > Purchase Return by GRN

Optional tax for re-printing loading problem fixedJimmy
WH-11169Reports > Manager Reports > MISC-12 / MISC-13Sales Return and Purchase Return  amount error fixedJimmy
WH-11003Reports > Manager Reports >SR-05 / SR-06Calculation error fixedJimmy
WH-9094Distribution > Sales Order EditPermission error fixedJimmy
WH-7522Sales Return with Cash RefundCredit Card Refund during Sales Return of Cashsales - amount fixedJimmy

Supplier consignment stock balance

Location filter fixedJimmy
WH-9864Reports > Manager Reports > SR-01Receipt amount correctedJimmy

Malaysia GST>Tax Filing> Filing of TX-RE

Journal Transaction date correctedJimmy
WH-11100AP transaction listingFixed AP transaction for expense / GLCode Payment VouchersJimmy
WH-11204Reports > Manager Reports > MISC-12 / MISC-13Receipt Type added as an option on document typeJimmy
WH-9117Add Item / Edit Item

Replacement Cost Issue (the item master setting should not follow the output tax) 

Waqqas Dadabhoy
WH-10644Create Payment VoucherFixed "Rct been reversed but still allow user to issue PV "Waqqas Dadabhoy
WH-13166Invoice Listing (New Report)Unable to generateIda
WH-13208Input tax filingThe filed tax amount is wrong, if it has been filed as simplified previously and unfiledIda
WH-13219  Payment Voucher printablecannot showJimmy
WH-13322AR and AP TransactionBranch Problem when filter by companyJimmy
WH-13292Create InvoiceTakes too long to load SOJimmy
WH-13524Upload Sales OrderAlways promprt error for the last lineJimmy
WH-13265Profit and Loss Can't generate due to configure the Allow Tree Structure and Allow Tree Structure By CompanyJimmy
WH-12421SP-01 Sales report by salesmanBlank salesman entries in the reportJimmy
WH-13264Create Invoice Can't click create invoice buttonJimmy
WH-12881Create/Edit Member cardTitle field value was not saving in Database.Das



Issue NumberAffected ScreenEnhancement requiredProgrammer
WH-9624EMP Configuration > TradingRe-arrange the configuration into multiple tabsAmmar
WH-12736Payment Voucher PrintableAdd parameter USER CREATEDIda
WH-12124Inventory > Reports > Stock Availability ReportSerial number viewing is now available on the reportJimmy
WH-8683Distribution Configuration > Sales Order Approval Options > Always requires approvalMouse over Qty and bubble shows balance, approve and unapprovedJimmy
WH-12847Create SINVAllow negative amount (But block if total amount is negative)Ida
WH-10985Optional tab of Edit Sales OrderGenerate the Excel report for OkookoDas
WH-12136Create Invoice: Add serial itemRequest to have options to copy ALL serial no instead of ScanJimmy



Issue NumberAffected ScreenCutomizationProgrammer
WH-11817GL Listing

GL Listing -> Details View :: add new option to enable "Details View" to show document remarks

WH-12374printable Invoice and Sales OrderEnhance the printable Invoice and Sales Order to enable to pull out "delivery_start"BuchiBabu



Issue NumberAffected ScreenConfigurationProgrammer



Issue NumberAffected ScreenDescriptionProgrammer
WH-12468Create GRNUpdate Item Code Pricing base on MA Cost / Last CostJimmy


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