

New Permission

15170 - Add the permission to take effect in Chinese menu

New Feature

13898 - Time Zone settings


9800 - Salesman only can view the their own customer list, can not see other sale man's customer
12548 - Extended Modules -> Thailand -> ABB Tax Invoice Conversion : Convert ABB to Full tax invoice for member
14442 - Campaign Reward, Redemption - Introduce Membercard Logic Picklist, FSCS Reward, Redemption should be enabled for Member Card Logic in this campaign
14048 - Procurement -> Report -> Outstanding POs & Purchase Order Listing : Add filter by PO reference
14046 - Consignment Stock Balance Report: Based on Customer contact person
13589 - Provide extra field for Credit Term
14090 - For Sale to be recorded as in-tax/ ex-tax
14091 - For Purchases to be recorded as in-tax/ ex-tax
14020 - Enhance on the upload SO function , adding the upload receipt function
14021 - Plugin to create the SO in ICT based on SO* in Oozboom
14022 - Plugin to convert the SO to intercompany Invoice and Auto GRN and stock alert
12479 - Allow selling below cost for BOM items only, normal item cannot sales below cost
13350 - Add lock function for Create GRN by Purchase Order like the function for Stock Transfer
10551 - Create Payment Voucher - Cash Book Filter and Search
13926 - Add Batch Expiry Item/ Search - No need to click search - Automatically list down all Batch and Expiry Item
10829 - Purchase Return - Hyperlink to Supplier -> Credit Memo Contra Screen
14736 - Stock reports (SBR-03 and SBR-04 ) -> Request to select "All" from that level and show out the items
14744 - Tablet Page - Create new member must check for invoice number when EMP Configuration is enabled
14099 - Select Customer -> can search customer email
14130 - SBR-05 Historical Stock Balance Report : Add group by filter
14463 - Batch printing the customer credit memo
14464 - Batch printing the receipt

Bug Fixes

10065 - Fix bug Remarks for Resolution if null,it will not append and change size remark resolution in SRV by RMA department and branch
10910 - SR-05 Stock Sales Report: Time and Item Code drop down filter
6099 - Trading -> Internal Stock Transfer -> Detail Listing VS printable item listing - item sorting is not same
15085 - FSCS : don't have permission can sell item below minimum price but when press Enter can proceed to create Cashsale
14083 - Supp Credit Memo use foreign currency : Succesfull Uncontra but outstanding not updated
10417 - Purchase Return by GRN - Remark not show in Purchase listing

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