

New Permission

13923 Add permission to Import and Export Membership

New Feature

13730 Each Item Code can attach 2 Images
10291 In the process of revamping the user permission settings and user interface - deprecating the module level permission


10822 MISC01 : add "select all" and "deselect all" for "Display Columns" option
8132 Rounding option for OKIA sales and purchase
13597 Enchance Upload Customer Listing
14046 Consignment Stock Balance Report
6751 Report to calculate and show VAT and WHT on bank charges
15333 Intercompany Invoice : Can overwrite the permission selling below cost average
12548 Extended Modules -> Thailand -> ABB Tax Invoice Conversion : Convert ABB to Full tax invoice for member
16323 Add loyalty point for BOM items
15616 OR-01 Stock Aging Report and OR-02 Stock Aging Report By Location -> At Calculate Cost Base On filter -> add GRN Cost
15561 Check if any child menu is guarded by permission or not
15530 All SO that have not been converted to invoices but which have already receipt, their receipt number does not appear
14463 Enhance for batch printing the customer credit memo
14464 batch printing the receipt
16136 Allow to edit the Location Code
15034 Add New "PRICING MATRIX" on EDIT ITEM pages -> to list down the pricing matrix applied
15032 Show The Mark Up % on GP Printable on FSCS
15345 List price should be hidden when add item to DIRECT RECEIVING STOCK
10910 Need to use userconfigregistry to remember the selected sort
15574 Trading -> Sales -> Create Invoice -> Item Widget : hide price

Bug Fixes

16345 PO - Unable to Edit Qty on GL Code Item
16352 PO Listing Printable is using wrong format
16351 Loyalty point not calculated for batch and expiry item when scan directly from the item search box in FSCS
15402 Create GRN : SINV not created
14737 PR by GRN - Brought up the wrong currency
15269 Create invoice -> Cannot apply preceeded discount when configuration is enable (When user change the Pricing Scheme, the difference between List Price and the selected Pricing Scheme will be the discount
15550 Customer -> Task -> Settle Document / Deposit -> Optional -> Reprint Receipt : Not allowed to key in more that 6 digit number
15571 Wrong VAT cal. for create invoice
15051 No default display option when BOM first created
15538 Finance -> Create Payment Voucher -> Cashbook not showing


8376 Accounting -> Journal and Ledger -> Journal Transaction : Show the journal entry amount debit and credit side instead of total amount
13930 Customer consignment Module
15101 RMA by Department - Service Note Listing Report - Technician can see own Service Note only
15166 RMA by Branch, RMA by Department - Dealer Name
14341 Reports > Manager Reports : Change the title of the Printable page report: Sales Reports & Staff Performance & Supplier Management / Payment Processing
15149 RMA by Branch, RMA by Department - Time (Received from Owner On), Date Start (Date, Time), End (Date, Time)
15165 RMA by Branch (Create, Edit), RMA by Department - Nature of Problem

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