

New Permission Or Permission Related Changes

New Feature


1542 Payment Voucher - Edit Date by Permission
20033 Create GRN by PO -> Add one button for unlock PO when another user already create GRN by PO
11576 Enhancement in BOM functionality
20489 Include Font ttf and Font jar as part of deployment process
8405 Journal Transaction create engine : in the journal entry insert debit amount, followed by credit amount
15067 GL dimension to list the values by default when clicked
20587 Sales Order number to show in sales order listing detail for footwear module

Bug Fixes

20047 Create GRN by PO -> grand total show zero amount when add item from PO and calculation for grand total not based on currency
19825 Loyalty Member Point Inaccurate
20254 Postgresql 9.XX casting error
20186 Edit User: Change the user name to an exist USERNAME blank page.
20179 Loyalty points for invoices created from sales order not captured in member card
20222 SR-06: report printable is showing blank screen
20287 SR-01: Shows amount at term due to invoice is knocked off using two receipt with different dates
20166 Upload GRN - click on submit,the page refreshed, then nothing happen
14060 Purchase Return by GRN : error pop-up return quantity greater than available stock
19722 Total Sum of Tax differrent 0.01 Revenue Dept. cannot accept
18096 Customer -> Credit Memo -> Credit memo uncontra -> Not function
20436 Customer > Query/Reports > Invoice with Settlement details: Total Target sum amount is wron
20306 Permission convert ABB to full Tax more than 1 day unchecked after click ‘Submit’
2047 Credit memo still contra with sales order although sales order already paid by receipt
18797 Can't do stock transfer for username manageralc
20508 Create Sales Order -> Settle With Credit Memo -> Create Invoice -> The system allow CM to contra twice for invoice and sales order

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