

New Permission Or Permission Related Changes

New Feature


18748 Enable search by IC number for membership
18570 Open Payment Voucher > better when a notice shown when user click save button
18318 Choosing a few location for one Role
1359 Improvements to Add / Edit Branch
18028 SBR-07 - Add one Column and Add one report filter (with checkbox)
18822 IM-03 :Stock Balance And Sell Through Quantity By Location Report :User need to identify the amount of available stock was actually belongs to which branch
18553 for the plugin for item below minimum quantity need to separate to 2 email
18309 SR-05 Enhancement
18545 Cash Sale and Official Receipt PDF Printable :: Credit Card number shows only last 4 digit
7510 Improvement for Branch Listing
18647 Hide the supplier / customer column when trace stock
12524 Credit Memo Contra : Don't List the outstanding document to be settle with same site with CM contra
16170 Trading-> internal stock transfer-> edit internal stock transfer draft : add serial numbe
18863 Modify this patches : Move Customer discount factor into Pricing Matrix
17188 Stock Take function
18790 Allow user to hide previoud derial number
18782 Audit Trail on Edit GRN and Edit Supplier
18732 Branch Edit - Logo URL and Upload Logo
18638 Inventory -> Stock Adjustment Listing -> Put in permission to hide total target balance

Bug Fixes

18713 Fix rounding problem in stock flow report
18526 Edit of Delivery address not working in edit SO
18537 Trading > Internal Stock Transfer -> Create : not checking if key in 0 item Qty
18842 Permission Check Boxes cannot be ticked
18843 discount percentage given changed after load SO in Create... (New)
18856 Add Journal Transaction -> Description -> Sentence without complete bracket example TEST(BRACKET -> Resulting confusing error for user
18884 Inventory -> Stock Movement -> Transaction type : Sales and Purchase Return -> Generate Report. Then click deselect all Transaction Type -> Generate Report -> The outcome is the same as previous
18385 Cannot see call bill function due to user name
16640 Accounting -> Maintenance -> Configuration -> Cashbook Maintenance : make Company field as compulsary
12394 Consignment Module not showing the "new item search
11591 SR-08 : Date Range by Week, set the date for same week cross over the year problem
18547 Edit SO -> Change Customer and Save SO -> Old customer name not updated at SO Listing
18798 Pricing matrix listing > Delete link not function. Got error in the Showlog
18096 Customer -> Credit Memo -> Credit memo uncontra -> Not function
18873 Cannot add PWP item when EMP config > System > Allow Tree Structure is enabled
17160 plugin no schedule
18395 Check for Duplicate Coupon Serial Number
18900 Service Note Listing - Create Jobsheet - BRanch incorrect
18991 Manager Reports -> CC-01 Transaction Aging Analysis -> when customer terms is 365 days, the amount recorded twice for both 331 - 365 and > 365


18753 Extended module>thailand>abb invoice conversion :: Please add the printable format that can be set, so that link "print" will follow
18133 FSCS - printable for cashsale pop-up , automatically close it after we press "confirm and save" and print the receipt

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