Multi UOM
Multi UOM
- Refer from Add Item
- Sample of Multi UOM;
- 1 Box = 12 Packs
- 1 Packs = 10 Strips
- 1 Strips = 10 Tablets
- User need to configure from the Largest/Outer level → Inside → Inner up to Innermost level
- By DEFAULT, EMP use the SMALLEST LEVEL which depends on the configuration set by the user above.
- Notes: User can view the balance stock in biggest UOM, go to Control Panel > System Admin > EMP Configuration > Reports > Manager Reports > Display Multi UOM Outer (tick)
- User need to perform stock in use Direct Receiving Stock
- Sample; User buy 1 box means 1,200 quantity in EMP after confirm and save the Direct Receiving Stock → which is smallest by configuration done by user
- Refer to Stock Availability
** Available Stock = 1,200
- User may perform Full Screen Cash Sale or Create Invoice to stock out
- EMP converts the stock to the SMALLEST level
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