Item Listing
Item Listing
Menu Path: Inventory > Item > Item Listing
Filter Criteria
- Item Code Fuzzy Search
- Tag if want to 'allow search for description'
- Item Code Range
- Item Category
- Click and select
- Item Status
- Item Type
- Show Option
- Date Range
- Display option
- Order By
- Item Name
- Item Code
- User can generate & export filtered fields use above screen. User is also allowed to edit in the exported file and upload using Upload Item Code function. If new items added, the system will add items into the system.
- Click the 'Code Number' then will jump to the Edit Item page with the Item code directly.
- The page allow user directly change the Status by selecting the status and 'Save'.
- User can Print the page or 'Export Data' by clicking the icons upper right corner.
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