Upload Settlement
Upload Settlement
Path: Customer > Tasks > Upload Settlement
Step 1: Click file link: 'Download Template File'
- select source fields and add to target fields (The compulsory fields are pre-selected and can not be removed)
- the default format is “comma” delimiter
Step 2: Fill in the data
No | Field Name | Data Type | Remarks | Where to Find | Sample Data |
1 | BRANCH_CODE | String with Maximum (50) Characters | Compulsory | Control Panel > Developer > Branch Maintenance > Branch Listing > Refer to "Branch Code" | A Co.-B1 |
2 | CUSTOMER_CODE | String with Maximum (150) Characters | Compulsory, Customer ID / Customer Code | Customer > Maintenance > Customer > Account Code Prefix | PER-1006 |
3 | INVOICE_NO | A Number of type Long | Compulsory | 6451 | |
4 | METHOD_OF_PAYMENT | String with Maximum (30) Characters | Compulsory, CASH, CARD, CHEQUE, PD CHEQUE, COUPON, OTHER | CASH | |
5 | PAYMENT_AMOUNT | Floating Point Number | Compulsory | 355 | |
6 | RECEIPT_DATE | String in the following format (yyyy-mm-dd) | Compulsory | 2017-12-09 | |
7 | SALESMAN | String with Maximum (100) Characters | Compulsory | developer | |
8 | PAYMENT_MODE | String with Maximum (30) Characters | Compulsory if Method Of Payment is CARD | ||
9 | PAYMENT_NUMBER | String with Maximum (50) Characters | Compulsory if Method Of Payment is not CASH. [Card no./Cheuque no./PD Cheuqe no./Coupon Serial no.] | ||
10 | CARD_APPROVAL_CODE | String with Maximum (50) Characters | |||
11 | CARD_BATCH | String with Maximum (50) Characters | |||
12 | CARD_NAME | String with Maximum (100) Characters | |||
13 | CARD_VALID_THRU | String in the following format (yyyy-mm-dd) | |||
14 | CASHBOOK | String with Maximum (100) Characters | |||
15 | DATE_PD_CHEQUE | String in the following format (yyyy-mm-dd) | |||
16 | GL_DIMENSION_CODE | String with Maximum (50) Characters | |||
17 | GL_DIMENSION_ID | Integer | |||
18 | REMARKS | String with Maximum (300) Characters |
- The amount recorded will follow Output tax GST configuration, if the configuration is set as inclusive, the Amount recorded will be inclusive of GST
IMPORTANT! One Receipt only can knock off one invoice
Excel sample:
Step 3: Save file, save as comma separated values (.csv) format
Step 4: Upload file
Sample of Error Message 1:
- If the file is not successfully uploaded, please refer to the column with RED color background
- Please move the cursor to the RED color background to see the Error Message
- If this situation happens, please verify and correct the error eg: in the above case, put the correct Invoice Number to be knocked off in the file
- After editing the file, please repeat STEP 4
Sample of Error Message 2:
- If the file is not successfully uploaded, please refer to the column with RED color background
- Please move the cursor to the RED color background to see the Error Message
- If this situation happens, please verify and correct the error eg: in the above case, make sure the Card Payment Mode is exist
- After editing the file, please repeat STEP 4
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