Upload Deposit

Upload Deposit

Menu Path: Customer > Task > Upload Deposit

Step 1: Click file link: 'Download Template File'


  1. select source fields and add to target fields (The compulsory fields are pre-selected and can not be removed)
  2. default format is “comma” delimiter

Step 2: Fill in the data

Sample of Upload Deposit file

NoField NameData TypeRemarksWhere to findSample Data
1BRANCH_CODEString with Maximum (50) CharactersCompulsoryControl Panel > Developer > Branch Maintenance > Branch Listing > Refer to "Branch Code"A Co.-B1
2CUSTOMER_CODEString with Maximum (150) CharactersCompulsory, Customer ID / Customer CodeCustomer > Maintenance > Customer > Account PKID or Customer > Task> Settle Document > Customer 4703
3METHOD_OF_PAYMENTString with Maximum (30) CharactersCompulsory, CASH, CARD, CHEQUE, PD CHEQUE, COUPON, OTHER

4PAYMENT_AMOUNTFloating Point NumberCompulsory

5RECEIPT_DATEString in the following format (yyyy-mm-dd)Compulsory
6SALESMANString with Maximum (100) CharactersCompulsoryCustomer > Task> Settle Document > Salesman drop down listadmin
7PAYMENT_MODEString with Maximum (30) CharactersCompulsory if Method Of Payment is CARDAccounting > Maintenance> Card Listing > Generate> Payment Mode
8PAYMENT_NUMBERString with Maximum (50) CharactersCompulsory if Method Of Payment is not CASH. [Card no./Cheuque no./PD Cheuqe no./Coupon Serial no.]

9TAX_CODEString with Maximum (36) CharactersMust follow configured Tax Code

10CARD_APPROVAL_CODEString with Maximum (50) Characters

11CARD_BATCHString with Maximum (50) Characters

12CARD_NAMEString with Maximum (100) Characters

13CARD_VALID_THRUString in the following format (yyyy-mm-dd)

14CASHBOOKString with Maximum (100) Characters

15DATE_PD_CHEQUEString in the following format (yyyy-mm-dd)

16GL_DIMENSION_CODEString with Maximum (50) Characters


18REMARKSString with Maximum (300) Characters

19TAX_RATEFloating Point Number

Note: The amount recorded will follow Output tax GST configuration, if the configuration is set as inclusive, the Amount recorded will be inclusive of GST

Excel sample: 

  • CASH

  • CARD

Step 3: Save file, save as comma separated values (.csv) format

Step 4: Upload file

Sample of Error Message:

  • If the file is not sucessfully uploaded, please refer to the column with RED color background
  • Please move the cursor to the RED color background to see the Error Message

  • If this situation happen, please verify and correct the error eg: in the above case, put the correct Payment Mode in the file
  • After editing the file, please repeat STEP 4

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