

New Permission Or Permission Related Changes

26376 Control Panel => System Admin => Configure role permission => Please add on the permission for Reset MA guide by company

New Feature

26368 P&L By Period (New Report : Profit and Loss Statement by Period)

Bug Fixes

23229 Customer Create Account -> click here to search first link -> search customer that belong to other salesman -> No permission error
26536 Intercompany Stock Transfer Error when create inv from so and create invoice using load invoice item
23696 Trading -> Invoice Listing -> Show History -> Why doesn't record anything
26964 SP-04 : When Net Sales is lower than Cost , GP will show negative value and GP% show positive
27344 Accounting -> Maintenance -> Configuration -> Credit card configuration -> Policy Card Charges not recorded after save
27081 AR transaction and Journal Txn NOT updated after change customer name in edit invoice page


25151 make sure contact person can be selected while creating SINV,CM,PO and GRN
18575 SP-02 Add on Transaction Profit column
26777 Add new configuration under trading:: pop up item search doesn't need to load and show serial numbers -> user can immediately scan the serial numbers
26928 Refactoring PWP calculation engine to speed up the calculation process each time items are added


Private & Confidential