New Permission Or Permission Related Changes
30344 Open Credit Receipt Listing (Deposit Listing) not control by pc centre
New Feature
32768 Build “sitemap” automatically using the menu tree structure, into a simple jsp page.
22383 Forgot password and password reset
Bug Fixes
32569 Trading > Sales > Invoice Listing : The checkbox under Send To Queue cannot be resend again after clicked on Send to Queue
32797 stock requisition error on price
33059 in FSCS : Postcode "Select" button in customer fill-up form will result in Confirm and Save
32995 Control Panel -> Developer -> Location Maintenance -> Edit location code -> System did not save
33072 Data fix to repopulate back the discount into UNIT Discount column at Create GRN by PO
33074 Create GRN By PO -> Tax Amount showing not same with Tax Amount at Edit PO
33054 Footwear create invoice : item widget error
32819 own branches own company - unable to create pv
25151 make sure contact person can be selected while creating SINV,CM,PO and GRN;add column like invoice(customer) in each table to store contact person information(like customer Invoice).
32537 Trading > Job Sheet > Workshop > Job Sheet > Edit: To include "Trade In" button.
32801 GRN - Please Popup a warning message when duplicate serial number is scanned.
32804 Scan in IMEI/serial number in Internal Stock Transfer Create Screen - random scanning
32543 Inventory > Item > Edit Item : system should not allow to change type from 'Inventory' to 'Batch and Expiry' if there is existing stock at any location
32775 Add info to Customer Listing printable : customer code and customer category
32532 OR04 report printable format : standardised with company header, date... etc
29728 Invoice printable do not display the CM contra and display outstanding payment, even the balance is 0.
26059 Static header for Stock Availability Report. [ Inventory > Reports > Stock Availability ]
32817 Delete Transaction Profit for SP-02 and SR-08 Report
32760 While Creating Stock Transfer have to click on Select Serial Number for every scan
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