New Permission Or Permission Related Changes
New Feature
WMSSD-353 Workshop -> Edit Jobsheet -> Payment -> Add list of cash sale printable to choose and reprint
Bug Fixes
WMSSD-109 ERROR IN TAX RATE : item search
WMSSD-269 Stock Movement : if reset ma exist, data not correct
WMSSD-272 Create GRN by PO -> The list of item is missing when the same item is added separately
WMSSD-301 Inventory -> Report -> Search Inventory (Basic) -> Printable Page -> Some items are repeatedly shown
WMSSD-307 Sales return by multi invoice shows different salesman in printables and system document pop up widget
WMSSD-313 Create Customer -> Add New Customer -> Other -> Add Vehicle -> Key in reg no -> Save -> Blank Page
WMSSD-318 Edit User -> Optional -> Time Curfew doesn't work
WMSSD-319 Create New Supplier -> Supplier's status is stored as empty string (should be active)
WMSSD-320 Supplier > Maintenance > Edit Account > Add label link : problem with label tagging
WMSSD-321 Job sheet listing -> Keyword doesn't work
WMSSD-333 Create Invoice -> Inconsistent of Stock Out location set every time Branch is changed
WMSSD-339 Direct Receiving Stock -> Optional page is missing
WMSSD-340 Create Sales Order -> Add BOM item : If five cent rounding enabled, system didnt show the rounding item but total qty include the rounding item
WMSSD-345 Stock Requisition -> Stock balance did not show in popup search item
WMSSD-352 Manager Reports -> SR -14 :: Can't be generate
WMSSD-354 SSR-03 Stock Sales Report by Serial Number : Cannot generate
WMSSD-355 SR 05 - SALES REPORT PROBLEM : show Serial Number dont show correct balance
WMSSD-361 Edit GRN not functioning
WMSSD-362 MISC-01 Multi Branch Daily Sales, Purchases And Collection Report shows column alignment error
WMSSD-365 Disable configuration but still can create new invoice and MOD not show busted
WMSSD-378 GRN by PO : Partial PO show Wrong tax amount when using 'Auto Add All'
WMSSD-386 Upload GRN, duplicated serial number in different item code cannot be uploaded
WMSSD-388 New PO Multi Branch -> unable to reprint PO when qty is 0
WMSSD-393 Edit item - after saving, last cost change to zero
WMSSD-399 Trading -> Stock Requisition -> Outstanding Qty not updated although stock transfer has been created
WMSSD-401 Internal Stock Transfer -> Create : Unable to Edit Item
WMSSD-89 Allow pagination in Location Maintenance due to slow response to list all the location
WMSSD-157 Supllier -> Maintenance -> Supplier Listing : request to add column for email address
WMSSD-166 Procurement -> Edit Purchase Order -> item listed order by pkid
WMSSD-273 Speak Phone : Serial Number Adjustment Report Arranged By Date
WMSSD-274 Supplier Listing :: Add Supplier Category
WMSSD-310 Authorization pop up for creating invoice when reached credit limit
WMSSD-359 Disable The Drop Down Menu Selection from Stock Availabilty/Movement
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