Sample json data of Receipt Index

Sample json data of Receipt Index

    "amount": 70000,
    "amount2": 0,
    "amountCard": 0,
    "amountCash": 70000,
    "amountCheque": 0,
    "amountCoupon": 0,
    "amountOther": 0,
    "amountPDCheque": 0,
    "branch": 1,
    "cardApprovalCode": "",
    "cardApprovalParty": "",
    "cardApprovalTime": "Jan 1, 1 12:00:00 AM",
    "cardBank": "",
    "cardBatch": "",
    "cardCB": 0,
    "cardCharges": 0,
    "cardId": 0,
    "cardIssuerBank": "Select",
    "cardName": "",
    "cardNumber": "",
    "cardPctCharges": 0,
    "cardSecurityNum": "",
    "cardSurcharge": 0,
    "cardType": "",
    "cardValidFrom": "Oct 24, 2013 2:09:47 PM",
    "cardValidThru": "Oct 24, 2013 2:09:47 PM",
    "cashDrawer": "",
    "cashNotesChange": 0,
    "cashNotesReceived": 0,
    "cbCard": 1017,
    "cbCash": 1000,
    "cbCheque": 1001,
    "cbChequeCharges": 1001,
    "cbCoupon": 1018,
    "cbOther": 1018,
    "cbPDCheque": 1001,
    "chequeBankInCb": 0,
    "chequeChargesAmount": 0,
    "chequeNumber": "",
    "chequeNumberPD": "",
    "chequeStatus": "",
    "codeDealer": "",
    "codeDepartment": "",
    "codeProject": "",
    "codeSalesman": "",
    "couponNumber": "",
    "currency": "MYR",
    "currency2": "",
    "datePDCheque": "Oct 24, 2013 2:09:47 PM",
    "eTfrAmount": 0,
    "eTfrBank": "",
    "eTfrCashbook": 0,
    "eTfrCharges": 0,
    "eTfrDate": "Jan 1, 1 12:00:00 AM",
    "eTfrReference": "",
    "eTfrRmks": "",
    "entityKey": 1011,
    "entityTable": "cust_account_index",
    "format": "",
    "guid": "15E4E704-4B15-4DE1-8A60-D66BB412995D",
    "intReserved1": 0,
    "label_id": 0,
    "lastUpdate": "Oct 24, 2013 2:10:18 PM",
    "openBalance": 0,
    "paymentMethod": "",
    "paymentRemarks": "",
    "paymentTime": "Oct 24, 2013 12:00:00 AM",
    "pcCenter": 1,
    "pdChequeBankInCb": 0,
    "pdChequeStatus": "",
    "whtTaxType": "",
    "whtTaxRate": 0,
    "pic1": 0,
    "pic2": 0,
    "pic3": 0,
    "pkid": 1003,
    "posReceiptPkid": 1003,
    "remarksReverse": "",
    "reversePayment": 0,
    "state": "",
    "status": "active",
    "statusPayment": "",
    "stmtNumber": 0,
    "strReserved1": "terminal_bank_cc_bank_diff",
    "synchroKey": "15E4E704-4B15-4DE1-8A60-D66BB412995D",
    "taxAmount": 0,
    "taxCode": "",
    "taxFilingCycle": "",
    "taxFilingDate": "Jan 1, 1 12:00:00 AM",
    "taxFilingPkid": 0,
    "taxFilingStatus": "",
    "taxFilingStatus2": "",
    "taxRate": 0,
    "taxType": "",
    "userIdUpdate": 536,
    "vecEntry": [],
    "whtTaxAmount": 0,
    "whtTaxCert": "",
    "whtTaxCode": "",
    "pdcExist": false,
    "pdcClear": false

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