Sample json data of Customer Invoice Index

Sample json data of Customer Invoice Index

    "accidentDate": "Jan 1, 1 12:00:00 AM",
    "amountCommission": 0,
    "billingAdd1": "",
    "billingAdd2": "",
    "billingAdd3": "",
    "billingCity": "",
    "billingCompanyName": "",
    "billingCountry": "",
    "billingEmail": "",
    "billingFax": "",
    "billingHandphone": "",
    "billingPhone1": "",
    "billingPhone2": "",
    "billingState": "",
    "billingZip": "",
    "claimAmount": 0,
    "codeDealer": "",
    "codeDept": "",
    "codeProject": "",
    "codeSalesman": "",
    "codeSupplier": "",
    "consignmentId": 0,
    "custSource": "CIMB Bank Credit Card",
    "expDeliveryTimeStart": "Oct 24, 2013 2:21:12 PM",
    "groupDiscount": 0,
    "incoterms": "",
    "label_id": 0,
    "loyaltyCardPkid": 0,
    "loyaltyCardStatus": "",
    "loyaltyJTxnReversalStatus": "",
    "loyaltyJTxnStatus": "",
    "loyaltyPointsAwarded": 0,
    "loyaltyPointsRedeemed": 0,
    "loyaltyProcessReversalStatus": "",
    "loyaltyProcessStatus": "",
    "mCostOfGoodsSold": 0,
    "mCurrency": "MYR",
    "mCurrency2": "",
    "mCustSvcCtrId": 1,
    "mDefaultRowsNumber": 15,
    "mDeliveryOrder": 0,
    "mDescription": "",
    "mDisplayFormat": "it1",
    "mDocType": "cust_invoice_index",
    "mEntityCode": "",
    "mEntityContactPerson": "",
    "mEntityGuid": "",
    "mEntityKey": 1011,
    "mEntityTable": "cust_account_index",
    "mForeignKey": 0,
    "mForeignTable": "",
    "mForeignText": "",
    "mGuid": "43ABAB57-11F8-4F83-A4C6-75C2C26B0071",
    "mIdInvoice": 0,
    "mIdentityNumber": "",
    "mLastUpdate": "Oct 24, 2013 2:20:49 PM",
    "mLocationId": 1000,
    "mOutstandingAmt": 0,
    "mOutstandingAmt2": 0,
    "mOutstandingBfPdc": 0,
    "mPCCenter": 1,
    "mPaymentTermsId": 0,
    "mPkid": 100001,
    "mReceiptId": 0,
    "mReferenceNo": "",
    "mRemarks": "",
    "mSalesTxnId": 0,
    "mState": "created",
    "mStatus": "active",
    "mStmtNumber": 0,
    "mStmtType": "",
    "mTimeIssued": "Oct 24, 2013 10:14:14 PM",
    "mTotalAmt": 301000,
    "mTotalAmt2": 0,
    "mTxnType": "",
    "mUserIdUpdate": 536,
    "mWorkOrder": 0,
    "membershipCardPkid": 0,
    "permitDoc1": "",
    "permitDoc2": "",
    "permitDoc3": "",
    "permitNo": "",
    "policyNumber": "",
    "posId": 101,
    "rebate1Consume": 0,
    "rebate1Date": "Jan 1, 1 12:00:00 AM",
    "rebate1Gain": 0,
    "rebate1Option": "",
    "rebate2Consume": 0,
    "rebate2Date": "Jan 1, 1 12:00:00 AM",
    "rebate2Gain": 0,
    "rebate2Option": "",
    "receiverAdd1": "",
    "receiverAdd2": "",
    "receiverAdd3": "",
    "receiverCity": "",
    "receiverCompanyName": "",
    "receiverCountry": "",
    "receiverEmail": "",
    "receiverFax": "",
    "receiverHandphone": "",
    "receiverKey": 0,
    "receiverName": "",
    "receiverPhone1": "",
    "receiverPhone2": "",
    "receiverState": "",
    "receiverTable": "",
    "receiverTitle": "",
    "receiverZip": "",
    "runningNo": "",
    "salesId": 0,
    "subtype1": "",
    "subtype2": "",
    "subtype3": "",
    "synchroKey": "43ABAB57-11F8-4F83-A4C6-75C2C26B0071",
    "taxAmount": 0,
    "taxAmount2": 0,
    "taxDateConverted": "Jan 1, 1 12:00:00 AM",
    "taxEntityName": "",
    "taxFilingCycle": "",
    "taxFilingDate": "Jan 1, 1 12:00:00 AM",
    "taxFilingPkid": 0,
    "taxFilingStatus": "",
    "taxRunningNo1": "",
    "taxRunningNo2": "",
    "taxRunningNoDate": "Jan 1, 1 12:00:00 AM",
    "taxRunningNoType": "",
    "taxType": "",
    "tcCreateTime": "Jan 1, 1 12:00:00 AM",
    "tcDocPkid": 100001,
    "terms1Date": "Jan 1, 1 12:00:00 AM",
    "terms1DiscAmt": 0,
    "terms1DiscPct": 0,
    "terms1Option": "",
    "terms2Date": "Jan 1, 1 12:00:00 AM",
    "terms2DiscAmt": 0,
    "terms2DiscPct": 0,
    "terms2Option": "",
    "timeCreate": "Oct 24, 2013 2:21:12 PM",
    "trackingNo": "",
    "tradersRemarks": "",
    "transportDate": "Jan 1, 1 12:00:00 AM",
    "transportDoc1": "",
    "transportDoc2": "",
    "transportDoc3": "",
    "txnDoc1": "",
    "txnDoc2": "",
    "txnDoc3": "",
    "userId": 0,
    "vecDocLink": [],
    "vecRct": [],
    "whtFilingCycle": "",
    "whtFilingDate": "Jan 1, 1 12:00:00 AM",
    "whtFilingStatus": "",
    "whtTaxAmount": 0,
    "whtTaxBalance": 0,
    "whtTaxCode": "",
    "whtTaxRate": 0,
    "whtTaxType": "",
    "xrate": 0

Private & Confidential