Details of the parameters of Tx Queue Object

Details of the parameters of Tx Queue Object

Tx Queue Object data has mainly two parts:

User Authentication data

For user Authentication it uses two parameters:


Tx Queue Object Data

Tx Queue Object data is structured in 2 different sections:


Header Information

Header information describes the attribute of the Transaction/operation type. Suppose which table to operate, ADD or UPDATE operation etc. Parameters are as follow:

nameData TypeExampleDescription
amountBigDecimal301000If the data is a Transaction data then need to mention total value of the Transaction there. Otherwise keyin 0
branchidInteger1PKID of related branch of the Transaction
categoryStringindexThis will be "index" or "item". If it's a Transaction data there will have 2 section INDEX and ITEM. If it's an INDEX section, "category" value will be "index" on the other hand for ITEM section "category" value will be "item"
date_completedTimestampJan 1, 1 12:00:00 AMBy default date_completed will be "Jan 1, 1 12:00:00 AM". After successfully complete the transaction it should be updated with latest data time of the Client system
date_createdTimestampFeb 13, 2014 2:06:56 AMThis is current date-time of Client system
fkStringString1230227D-2FE5-4B52-AF04-780891973F0FIf it's a transaction and category is ITEM then fkString will be the "guid" of INDEX, otherwise it will be same as "guid"
guidString1230227D-2FE5-4B52-AF04-780891973F0Fnewly created "guid" of this Tx Queue Object
pkStringString1230227D-2FE5-4B52-AF04-780891973F0FIt will be the guid of category INDEX object
pkidInteger1014pkid of this Object
sourceStringandroidClient name
statusStringpendingStatus of the action. Initially it's pending. Once it completes successfully it status can be changed accordingly
typeStringcust_invoice_indexTable name of the transaction. List of types are available here
useridInteger536userid of the user performing this transaction
modeStringADDIt will be ADD or UPDATE
jsonStringFollowing data in Related Object Data sectionThis is the main transaction related data described below


Related Object Data

Parameter called "json" contains the main transaction related data. Suppose for Invoice Index, json parameter holds the Invoice Index data. Following is the example of json data for Invoice Index.

    "accidentDate": "Jan1, 11 2: 00: 00AM",
    "amountCommission": 0,
    "billingAdd1": "",
    "billingAdd2": "",
    "billingAdd3": "",
    "billingCity": "",
    "billingCompanyName": "",
    "billingCountry": "",
    "billingEmail": "",
    "billingFax": "",
    "billingHandphone": "",
    "billingPhone1": "",
    "billingPhone2": "",
    "billingState": "",
    "billingZip": "",
    "claimAmount": 0,
    "codeDealer": "",
    "codeDept": "",
    "codeProject": "",
    "codeSalesman": "",
    "codeSupplier": "",
    "consignmentId": 0,
    "custSource": "CIMBBankCreditCard",
    "expDeliveryTimeStart": "Feb13, 2014 2: 06: 55AM",
    "groupDiscount": 0,
    "incoterms": "",
    "label_id": 0,
    "loyaltyCardPkid": 0,
    "loyaltyCardStatus": "",
    "loyaltyJTxnReversalStatus": "",
    "loyaltyJTxnStatus": "",
    "loyaltyPointsAwarded": 0,
    "loyaltyPointsRedeemed": 0,
    "loyaltyProcessReversalStatus": "",
    "loyaltyProcessStatus": "",
    "mCostOfGoodsSold": 0,
    "mCurrency": "",
    "mCurrency2": "",
    "mCustSvcCtrId": 1,
    "mDefaultRowsNumber": 15,
    "mDeliveryOrder": 0,
    "mDescription": "",
    "mDisplayFormat": "it1",
    "mDocType": "cust_invoice_index",
    "mEntityCode": "",
    "mEntityContactPerson": "",
    "mEntityGuid": "d3705095-de7c-4d2a-8af3-bfb646801139",
    "mEntityKey": 1013,
    "mEntityTable": "cust_account_index",
    "mForeignKey": 0,
    "mForeignTable": "",
    "mForeignText": "",
    "mGuid": "B137E868-F0A5-49BA-B1E9-B20146D8882E",
    "mIdInvoice": 0,
    "mIdentityNumber": "",
    "mLastUpdate": "Feb13, 2014 2: 06: 52AM",
    "mLocationId": -1,
    "mOutstandingAmt": 0,
    "mOutstandingAmt2": 0,
    "mOutstandingBfPdc": 0,
    "mPCCenter": -1,
    "mPaymentTermsId": 0,
    "mPkid": 100001,
    "mReceiptId": 0,
    "mReferenceNo": "",
    "mRemarks": "",
    "mSalesTxnId": 0,
    "mState": "created",
    "mStatus": "active",
    "mStmtNumber": 0,
    "mStmtType": "",
    "mTimeIssued": "Feb13, 2014 12: 00: 00AM",
    "mTotalAmt": 301000,
    "mTotalAmt2": 0,
    "mTxnType": "",
    "mUserIdUpdate": 536,
    "mWorkOrder": 0,
    "membershipCardPkid": 0,
    "permitDoc1": "",
    "permitDoc2": "",
    "permitDoc3": "",
    "permitNo": "",
    "policyNumber": "",
    "posId": 107,
    "rebate1Consume": 0,
    "rebate1Date": "Jan1, 11 2: 00: 00AM",
    "rebate1Gain": 0,
    "rebate1Option": "",
    "rebate2Consume": 0,
    "rebate2Date": "Jan1, 11 2: 00: 00AM",
    "rebate2Gain": 0,
    "rebate2Option": "",
    "receiverAdd1": "",
    "receiverAdd2": "",
    "receiverAdd3": "",
    "receiverCity": "",
    "receiverCompanyName": "",
    "receiverCountry": "",
    "receiverEmail": "",
    "receiverFax": "",
    "receiverHandphone": "",
    "receiverKey": 0,
    "receiverName": "",
    "receiverPhone1": "",
    "receiverPhone2": "",
    "receiverState": "",
    "receiverTable": "",
    "receiverTitle": "",
    "receiverZip": "",
    "runningNo": "",
    "salesId": 0,
    "subtype1": "",
    "subtype2": "",
    "subtype3": "",
    "synchroKey": "B137E868-F0A5-49BA-B1E9-B20146D8882E",
    "taxAmount": 0,
    "taxAmount2": 0,
    "taxDateConverted": "Jan1, 11 2: 00: 00AM",
    "taxEntityName": "",
    "taxFilingCycle": "",
    "taxFilingDate": "Jan1, 11 2: 00: 00AM",
    "taxFilingPkid": 0,
    "taxFilingStatus": "",
    "taxRunningNo1": "",
    "taxRunningNo2": "",
    "taxRunningNoDate": "Jan1, 11 2: 00: 00AM",
    "taxRunningNoType": "",
    "taxType": "",
    "tcCreateTime": "Jan1, 11 2: 00: 00AM",
    "tcDocPkid": 100001,
    "terms1Date": "Jan1, 11 2: 00: 00AM",
    "terms1DiscAmt": 0,
    "terms1DiscPct": 0,
    "terms1Option": "",
    "terms2Date": "Jan1, 11 2: 00: 00AM",
    "terms2DiscAmt": 0,
    "terms2DiscPct": 0,
    "terms2Option": "",
    "timeCreate": "Feb13, 2014 2: 06: 55AM",
    "trackingNo": "",
    "tradersRemarks": "",
    "transportDate": "Jan1, 11 2: 00: 00AM",
    "transportDoc1": "",
    "transportDoc2": "",
    "transportDoc3": "",
    "txnDoc1": "",
    "txnDoc2": "",
    "txnDoc3": "",
    "userId": 0,
    "vecDocLink": [],
    "vecRct": [],
    "whtFilingCycle": "",
    "whtFilingDate": "Jan1, 11 2: 00: 00AM",
    "whtFilingStatus": "",
    "whtTaxAmount": 0,
    "whtTaxBalance": 0,
    "whtTaxCode": "",
    "whtTaxRate": 0,
    "whtTaxType": "",
    "xrate": 0

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