Knock Off

Knock Off

Menu Path: Finance > Payment Voucher > Knock Off

This function is to let user to make use of Open PV to settle outstanding documents when available.

To use PV to Knock off documents

Simply key in PV created at Open PV before and click Submit.

PV not created under Open PV will not be able to use this function.

After loading the opened PV, system will load currently outstanding documents of the related payee(either supplier or customer)

1) To knock off the document, simply select the documents to be knocked off by:

  • Insert knock off amount to Payment column
  • Or tick the check box at last column to make full payment of that respective transaction

2) After insert amount to the payment(s), click Submit Settlement, and then click Save to confirm the settlement. System will give prompt message to user, to confirm the knock off, click OK otherwise click Cancel to stay at knock off page.

If user wants to start over again, you may click Reset button to start selecting document to be knocked off as in 1).

If user wants to allocate the payment automatically by system, click Auto Settle button and system will auto fill in the earliest or oldest documents based on the Open balance amount of the Open PV.

Common Errors

Error Name
Error Cause

ERROR: Invalid Payment Voucher Id: xxx

Invalid numeric or PV no is inserted.

E.g. 1, 12345, and any none-existing PV no


Insert valid PV PKID/No only.


ERROR: For input string: ""

None-numeric values are inserted.

E.g. abc, , $&^*^(* etc

Insert valid PV PKID/No only.

E.g. 100001, 100099


Outstanding document list is not shown

When loading a none-open PV, system will show the error message:

"This is not an Open Payment Voucher, and cannot be knocked off in this manner."

Use a valid open PV instead of Create PV.

Not able to click Save.

Open PV has no enough open balance amount to knock off any document;

Or, no document was selected to submit settlement;

Or, settlement amount is more than open PV open balance amount.

Check Open Balance Amount with total settlement amount.

Found 5 search result(s) for Payment Voucher.

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