Payment Voucher Listing

Payment Voucher Listing

Menu Path: Finance > Payment Voucher > Payment Voucher Listing

Payment Voucher (PV) Listing allows you to find the previous PVs you created using more filter.

The main difference between Payment Voucher Listing and Search PV is that:

In Search PV filter is based on company first, but in Payment Voucher Listing, the filter can search through other companies.

To generate PV Listing

1) Filter PV no using range From and To.

2) Select branch(es) to view created PV.

3) Select specific Cashbook where the applicable to related PV.

Alternatively, use Date RangeCheque number and its Keyword, and Pay To name.

4) Select Order By to sort the result, ChequePay To, PV PKID, or Date of PV in ascending.

PV state filter: All, Created(Normal PV created at Create Payment Voucher), Reversed(created at Reverse PV), Open(created at Open PV)

PV Oustanding filter: All PV, Outstanding only PV, or No-outstanding PV.

Click Generate Report Now to generate PV Listing.

To print PV Listing

Click Printable Page to print PV Listing generated.

Click Print with GL by branch to print PV with GL information.

To label PV Status

If you want to label the PV status with your own customized status(e.g. processing, received), you can use the Internal Status.

Click the drop down list and select your the option available and click Submit. You can always come back and change to another status anytime.

To add customized status, navigate to Control Panel > System Admin > EMP Configurations > Finance, key in your customized status followed by comma(,).

After set up the Payment Voucher Status Option as above, you should see the status appear in PV Listing like below:

Found 5 search result(s) for Payment Voucher.

Prepaid by F (Unlicensed)

Private & Confidential