Stock Take as Closing Inventory
Stock Take as Closing Inventory
Menu Path: Inventory > Stock Take > Stock Take as Closing Inventory
The Stock Take as Closing Inventory screen allows the user to upload the Stock Take file of a Branch/Location for a certain Transaction Date.
A user can “Generate Stock Take Variance Analysis” to verify the Stock Count.
After all the Stock Count of the Items for a Branch/Location has been verified. An adjustment of all the Stock for all items can be done by clicking on the “Perform Stock Adjustment” button.
By default the checkbox to “Generate Journals Due to Adjustment Out of Historical Stock and Adjustment In of Actual Stock” is unchecked.
Step 1: Open New Spreadsheet File
- It is recommended to use open office spreadsheet to prepare the file
Step 2: Fill Up Data
Column A | Column B | Column C | Column D |
ECONAX-SERIAL | 789663 | 100 | S |
ECONAX-SERIAL | 789670 | 100 | S |
ABCJP-01 | 88001178 | 50 | S |
- Column A = Item Code
- Column B = Serial Number
- Column C = Value
- Column D = Make sure to Put (S) for serialized item
Column A | Column B | Column C | Column D |
PAPERBAG | 2000 | 2 | N |
GOODIEBAG | 400 | 1 | N |
- Column A = Item Code
- Column B = Quantity
- Column C = Value
- Column D = Make sure to Put (N) for non serialized item
Step 3: Save File as comma separated values (.csv) format
- Change the Field Delimiter " | " and text Delimiter " blank "
Step 4: Upload File
Menu Path: Inventory > Stock Take > Stock Take as Closing Inventory
- Add Stock Take Session ID → add Session ID, Branch and Transaction Date
- Process under Stock Take Listing → under Add Session ID part
- Upload File → after click Process Action
- Generate Stock Variance Report → after upload file
Perform Stock Adjustment
- Key in the GL code → by default is "inventoryVariance"
- Tick the item → which need need to be adjusted
- Tick to generate journal → if any
- Click Perform Stock Adjustment
- Sample if user tick to generate the journal
- sample if user untick to generate the journal
- Generate Stock Availability to check new stock available after adjustment done
- Generate Stock Movement Report to check the movement after adjusted
- Generate Stock Adjustment Listing to check the list of stock adjustment performed after the stock take process
- Refer to How to remove value from zero stock in SBR-05 (Non-Serialized Stock) if user want to adjust the SBR-05 figure
- Similar screen and function with Stock Take Maintenance. Note that user is not allowed to add a same session ID that already exists in the same branch location.
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