Upload Reset MA
Upload Reset MA
Path: Inventory > Reset MA > Upload Reset MA
In order to upload the file successfully, please follow the format shown below constructing the new cost in CSV file.
Step 1: Click file link: 'Upload ResetMA Template'
- select source fields and add to target fields. (These are for the information you want to Upload) **The compulsory fields can not be removed.
- Default format is “comma” delimiter
Step 2: Fill in the data
No | FIeld Name | Data Type | Remarks | Where to Find | Sample Data |
1 | COMPANY_CODE | String with Maximum (50) Characters | Compulsory | Control Panel > Developer > Organization Structure > Company > Edit > Company Code | A Co. |
2 | ITEM_CODE | String with Maximum (100) Characters | Compulsory | Inventory > Item > Item Listing or Inventory > Reset MA > Select Item Code | ITEM A |
3 | NEW_MA_COST | Floating Point Number | Compulsory | 50 | |
4 | GLCODE | String with Maximum (50) Characters | inventoryVariance | ||
5 | ITEM_REMARKS | String with Maximum (1000) Characters | New Cost for November 2017 |
Excel sample:
Step 3: Save file, save as comma separated values (.csv) format
Step 4: Upload file
Sample of Error Message:
- If the file is not sucessfully uploaded, please refer to the column with RED color background
- Please move the cursor to the RED color background to see the Error Message
- If this situation happen, please verify and correct the error eg in this, put the correct Company Code in the file
- After edit, please back to STEP 4
- If the GL Code configuration is Blank → it will go to "inventoryVariance" GL Code
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Found 5 search result(s) for reset MA.
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