Reset MA by GRN

Reset MA by GRN

PathInventory > Reset MA > Reset MA by GRN

This function will allow user to reset MA for specific items using their GRN ID.

User need to enter the GRN PKID first, and then click 'Retrieve GRN'.

  • A table will be shown with the items , their item code, item name, the GRN quantity and their average movement costs.
  • The user will need to select the GL Code and Variance GL Code and then click 'Show MA Price'.
  • User has to go through table, under the "New AveCost" column, and type the desired new average cost to be set to the item. 
  • Click 'Submit MA Price' Button at the right bottom corner.
  • Then "Reset MA Price Now" button will be visible and clickable. After click, the table will be updated accordingly.

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