Opening Cash book
This step is to specify the opening amount in each of the cashbooks that you have configured in EMP. Thus, when you are reading this, we would assumed that you have read Cash Book Configurations and have already configured all your cashbooks.
What are the figures that I need to key in as Cash Book opening?
1. Closing Balance Cashbooks before EMP is adopted
- For Petty Cash / Cash Drawer, simple, you only need the key in the Balance amount as your Cash Book Opening.
- Example, you start using EMP on 2009-01-01, thus, you just need to key in the Balance amount as of 2008-12-31 as your Cash Book Opening on 2009-01-01.
Banks (example : MBB, RHB, HSBC)
For this, I will explain base on the scenario below
- You start using EMP on 2009-01-01
- Your Bank Recon for MBB on 2008 December is as below :
:- Actual Bank Balance : RM100,000
:- Uncredited Cheques (outstanding cash in-flow) : - RM1,000 (Dated 2008-11-01)
- RM3,000 (Dated 2008-12-10)
:- Unpresented Cheques (outstanding cash out-flow) : - RM500 (Dated 2008-10-30)
- RM1,000 (Dated 2008-12-30)
Base on the above scenario, the figures that you will need to key in as Cash Book Opening are :
- + RM100,000 (when keying in, you can specify the Date as 2009-01-01)
- + RM1,000 (when keying in, you can specify the Date as 2008-11-01)
- + RM3,000 (when keying in, you can specify the Date as 2008-12-10)
- - RM500 (when keying in, you can specify the Date as 2008-10-30)
- - RM1,000 (when keying in, you can specify the Date as 2008-12-30)
2. Uncredited / Unpresented cheques
- Please key in separately, this is so that user will be able to perform Bank Recon later on
Now, after identifying the figures to be entered as your respective Cash Books' opening balance, please refer to Cashbook Adjustment on how to key the figures into EMP
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