Serial Number Format

Serial Number Format

Before importing the opening balance, for serial number item, ITEM SERIAL column is compulsory. All the serialized number need to be key in and separated by comma.

For Example:

Item : Item A
Quantity :5

Under ITEM SERIAL column,you need to key in as 20003,20004,20005,20006,20007

What if we have a lot of serial number for one item?

You don't have to key in one by one.

Open it in Excel file then just follow these few steps to before copy it and paste to ITEM SERIAL column

When the file is ready, continue to import opening stock. You can refer to https://wavelet.atlassian.net/wiki/display/WMS/Importing+Opening+Stock?src=contextnavpagetreemode


Serial number concatenate.ods (16.9 kB) Delete Jia Pei Chan, 2013-10-28 12:35 AM


how to sort the serialized number.png (80.8 kB) Delete hafiza Hidayu, 2013-12-10 02:46 PM

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