Edit Member Card
Edit Member Card
Menu Path: Customer > Membership Program > Member Card > Edit
This functions to edit or change the details for the existing membership cards.
There are two methods to search for existing registered members to edit their details, which are:
- By member card number: This function will be easier to use if the customer's I.C. is used as the membership number. This is because, you can type in the I.C. But if you were to use the card displayed number, probably you cannot remember all the numbers.
- Fuzzy Search By Name: Click on the 'Member Card' (in blue font), you will be directed to a new page. Then, type the member's name at the Fuzzy Search box to search.
- If the member's card number or name cannot be identified by the system, either the number or name keyed-in were wrong, or it never existed.
- If the member's number or name never existed, you may Create a New Member Card by clicking on the 'Create Member Card' (in blue font) on the right side of the Fuzzy Search page.
- Upon searching for the member's details, the page will show the same form that the membership was created, and you may edit the details.
- The above sample image displays the interface of Edit Member Card, which is similar as Create Member Card interface.
- After editing, scroll down and click on the button 'Save Changes'.
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