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4.2 Purchase Transaction
For the purchase transaction workflow, we will use the Internal Purchase GRN Applet as an example to illustrate the process. The workflow for other similar document types follows a similar structure.
4.2.1 Access the Internal Purchase GRN Applet
4.2.2 Creating A New DocumentThe workflow for the purchase transaction follows a similar process to that of a Sales Invoice However, when handling a purchase document, there are a few key differences to note: |
In the Account tab, the Entity ID field will represent a supplier rather than a customer, as this is a purchase document. The system will automatically populate this field based on the selected supplier.
KO (Knock-Off) Use in Internal Purchase:
In most cases, users opt to use the KO functionality during internal purchase processes. However, the decision to use it depends on the specific operational requirements. The configuration of the KO is initially set in the organization applet.
The KO tab is only visible when creating a new transaction; it cannot be accessed during the editing of a document that is in draft status from the listing view.
When a user selects a document and applies KO, the main details tab, account, and line information are automatically populated, and the document is created as a draft.
Certain compulsory fields may need to be updated in the main details tab, such as the invoice number, if it is set as a mandatory field in the applet settings. While fields like branch and company will be autofilled, other fields may require manual input depending on the applet configuration.
4.2.3 Save and Finalize
Once the mandatory fields have been completed and editing is finished, save and finalize your draft document. The steps are the same as described here.
The purchase invoice has been successfully sent to the My E-Invoice Applet’s posting queue.
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