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Broadcast (Simple Broadcast) (Advanced Broadcasts can be sent from Digital Marketing Applet)
The broadcast page allows the user to broadcast advertisement messages to a list of leads. The steps are highlighted below
STEP 1: This step requires the user to select a channel as highlighted below (Whatsapp channel is the most optimized)
STEP 2: This step requires the user to select an endpoint (available company WhatsApp number if WhatsApp) as highlighted below
STEP 3 (OPTION 1): This step requires the user to select contacts to send broadcasts to. Users can select contacts one by one from the drop-down list.
STEP 3 (OPTION 2): Another option available to users for contact selection involves importing a CSV list of contacts who must be sent the broadcast. Users can click the “Attachment” icon highlighted in red below and select a suitable Excel CSV file from their machine/ The CSV list can be created in Excel. (Can also be exported from the contacts page)
STEP 4 (Final): Users have to select the message type as highlighted below and finally click the “Send Message” button
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