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Overview of Whatsapp Business Set-Up
The following are the steps required to set up the WhatsApp Business App for new customers.
1. Ask the Manager to permit Wavelet Facebook Business Settings.
2. Go to https://developers.facebook.com/apps/?show_reminder=true and create a new app as explained here: Get Started - Cloud API - Documentation - Meta for Developers
3. Configure the Webhook:
a. Download Download ngrok
b. Install and run grok on the terminal ⇒ "grok http 80" (windows) or "ngrok http 5000"
c. Copy the link next to "Forwarding". It looks something like https://3db9-121-121-122-11.ap.ngrok.io
d. Follow the documentation for Callback URL pass ngrok link and endpoint from the code (https://3db9-121-121-122-11.ap.ngrok.io/v1/integration/channels/whatsapp/receive)
e. If Webhook is set successfully, you will; receive a message.
4. Add phone numbers:
a. Add the client’s phone number here: https://business.facebook.com/wa/manage/phone-numbers/?business_id=1329448660474352&waba_id=105748575486134
b. Do not sign up with the customer’s phone number with the WhatsApp Business app. If previously signed up with a customer phone number follow these instructions https://developers.facebook.com/docs/whatsapp/phone-number/migrate-existing-whatsapp-number-to-api#register
c. Phone number will be approved after 6 hours and 1k free messaging limits will be granted depending on the quality rating
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