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Live Dashboard
The Live Dashboard page presents a real-time view of all Agents who are currently using UCC and the actions that they are currently performing. Thus, the Live Dashboard page helps to properly monitor the activity and progress of agents.
12.1 Live Dashboard -> Online Agents
The Online Agents page presents a real time view of all Agents who are currently performing some tasks such as answering Conversation, Email or Receiving voice calls and the duration of those tasks. By dragging the column headers highlighted in red users can group data according to the contents of the dragged column.
In the screenshot below the column has been grouped based on agent after the Agent column had been dropped to the box above.
LiveDashboard -> All Agents
The All Agents page contains all agents and their different organization accounts and shows in real time their availability status “OFFLINE” or “AVAILABLE” and their last online time. By dragging the column headers highlighted in red users can group data according to the contents of the dragged column.
12.3 LiveDashboard -> All Agents
(under process)
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