Customer Loyalty Program Configuration

Customer Loyalty Program Configuration

  • System Admin > EMP Configurations > Loyalty
  • Header Logo URL
    -Enter a URL where the logo of the company is shown. This logo will be included in the printed membership statement.
  • Header / Footer Block
    -Enter html codes to in the respective spaces to be shown in the printed membership statement.
  • Card Validity Period - How long will the validity of the membership card exists. Users must input the period in days. Eg. 365 days.
  • Enabled Invoice Checking (Create New) - For businesses that wants to charge customers for the member cards.
    -Eg. User company provides Gold, Silver and Platinum member card. Each type of card is charged with different sign up fee.
    -When a customer sign up for say, a Gold Card and the sign up fee is RM10, the staff will select Cashsale (refer Customer Loyalty) to this customer with Gold Card item code (you must input the item code after ticking the box).
    -Then, when keying in the member's info in Create New Card Loyalty > Member Card > Create, the users must key in the previously created Cashsale number. When saving the card, the system will check the Cashsale, whether it has Gold Card as one of the items or not. If yes, then the card is allowed to be created.
  • Enabled Invoice Checking (Renewal)
  • Enabled Invoice Checking (Replacement)

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