Step 1: Create New Purchase Order with Currency, eg; USD 10,000 with xrate 4.4
Step 2: Create GRN by Purchase Order → assume the xrate is remain the same (xrate 4.4)
Step 3: Refer to Supplier Invoice created from previous GRN → user can create manual Supplier Invoice if auto create SINV is ENABLED
Step 4: Create Payment Voucher and settle with SINV above
Forex Gain
- Example: PV worth USD 10,000 with xrate 4.2
Journal Entry:
Journal Entry:
- System will auto knock off with SINV
Forex Loss
- Example: PV worth USD 10,000 with xrate 4.5
Journal Entry:
- System will auto create Supplier Credit Memo to recognize the forex loss → refer to Supplier Credit Memo Listing or PV document pop up (related document)
Journal Entry:
- System will auto knock off with PV