Menu Path: Control Panel > System Admin > EMP Configurations > Customer
The Configuration is the most significant step that is required to be carried out before proceeding to any transactions in the new modules.
Similarly, for Membership Module, it is advised that the company's management execute the correct and preferred configurations for the Membership Module.
After the configurations have been determined and set, it is recommended to refrain from changing the configurations in future after any transactions related to Membership has been performed.
This is to avoid the report generated to contain inconsistent information or data.
The following is the main interface for configuration.
Click on the tab for Membership Program.
- The tick option is needed to be ticked AND
- Submit button is needed to be clicked for changes to take place.
- Below shown all other fields that can be found within the Configuration page that needs to be keyed and selected accordingly.
The new enhancement:
Previously there was no Enable tick option in order to enable the Membership Module.
The highlighted field in the image below shows the new added field.
To allow the Membership Module, select the Tick Option for the Enable Membership Module.
The correct Username and Password needs to be keyed in.
- Click on Submit once done. This automatically enables the Membership Modules function on EMP.
- Access to the Customer module to access to the Membership Module Function
- The image below shows the Successful confirmation message upon clicking on Enable tick option.
- The image below shows the Successful confirmation message upon clicking on Disabled tick option.
- The error message as shown in the image below will be displayed on the screen if user try to access the Membership Module without even Enabling the Module on configuration page.
- This Module is on Customer basis and therefore it can be customized upon request
Reminder: Click on the Submit button after any changes are made on the configuration.
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