Menu Path: Trading > Sales > Full Screen Cash Sale (FSCS)
Full Screen Cash Sale (FSCS) is very similar to the Cash Sale except for the layout (covers the whole screen). This FSCS has many functions that can be performed in one Transaction. The distinctive features that can be observed in this FSCS layout are as the below list:
Able to entitle points or rewards to the existing Members.
Able to Hold Bill and Recall Bill
Other than that, both functions allow users to enter cash, cheque, credit card payments for sales transactions to customers. FSCS is useful for cashiers because of the wide layout of the screen, as everything is presented on the same screen. This helps the cashier enter and extract information easily and quickly. Apart from that, shortcut buttons are also available for the convenience of the cashiers.
Prior to performing Cash Sales, Items need to be added or create. Therefore, proceed to this page Add Item to add item.
Next, navigate to this link: Direct Receiving Stock to generate the items created earlier to be added as inventory.
To include points or rewards for cash sales, progress to Rewards to create Campaign and Create Member Card to create Member Card prior to performing FSCS.
User may get access to FSCS through the navigation path below:
The main interface of FSCS is shown as below. Red marked fields are important fields to be filled in.
The steps to key in the values are as below. Once information has been entered, click the Confirm and Save button, located on bottom right of the page.
The new enhancement:
- Email to Customer
- This features are user basis.
- It allows the Invoice to be sent to the respective email in a PDF attachment or format, upon clicking the confirm and save button.
2. Added two new fields:
- Added on two new fields to Full Screen Cash Sales
- Customer Name and Customer Contact Number added
- Creating cash sale with customer 500 are now available with different customer names and phone numbers
3. Decimal Item Type:
- The image below shows the section of this function that has been made an enhancement.
- The enhancement now ensures there's new option to allow Rounding option when adding item.
- Example below:
The system allows to choose the Encoded Item Type and take note that the system allows decimal item type / quantity to be keyed in. - By default it is 4 decimal places and the new configuration allows up to 12 decimal places.
Below shows the example of the Tax invoice that will be generated upon the transaction made.
To edit the payment method again, click or choose the option labelled as Other / Multi Payment, that can be found within the FSCS page.
Click numbers below for more information.
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