Intercompany Stock Transfer Transactions

Intercompany Stock Transfer Transactions

  1. Menu Path: Trading > Sales > Create Invoice
  2. Set branch as the supplier branch (e.g. A Co.-B1)

  3. Click customer and make a search. Please mind that must select the contact person (B co.-B4 B Co. Sdn Bhd) instead of the main customer ID (Account Name: B Co. Sdn Bhd in middle column).

  4. If the below tick box option is not appear, you might need to go thru Step 1-5c.

    As described, enable this option will allow an auto-GRN (Goods Received Note) on the customer branch (e.g. B Co.-B4)

  5. Tick on the checkbox and click Submit to auto-create the GRN at the B Co.-B4 or
  6. If the auto-GRN option is not enabled, user can GRN the invoice at Trading > Intercompany Stock Transfer > Create, using the invoice number, and Click GENERATE GRN NOW! to complete the Intercompany Stock Transfer. user may change the GRN Date.

    User can check Intercompany Stock Transfer Listing for the correct invoice and also GRN Listing (Branch: B Co.-B4) to check verify the correct branch has GRN the invoice (Invoice No in Reference Column)

  7. If you get below error when loading the invoice no, you may check thru the above procedures.

 Sales Return - Manual Create Purchase Return

 Sales Return - Auto Create Purchase Return
  • Configuration to enable the "Auto Create Purchase Return" under EMP Configuration under Intercompany 

 Purchase Return - Manual Create Sales Return
  • Menu Path: Trading > Purchase > Purchase Return by GRN
  • Make sure GRN is created from Intercompany Stock Transfer transaction, user may refer to GRN Listing to check the GRN number
  • Key in the GRN # and click submit

 Purchase Return - Auto Create Sales Return
  • Configuration to enable the "Auto Create Sales Return and Supplier Credit Memo" under EMP Configuration under Intercompany 

  • Credit Memo is auto-created for the Sales Return

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