Reverse Receipt Voucher

Reverse Receipt Voucher

Menu Path: Finance > Receipt Voucher > Reverse Receipt Voucher

Reverse Receipt Voucher provides the function to cancel the Cash Sale or Invoice. The journal transaction for Reverse RCT will occur on the original RCT transaction date, even though the RCT is reversed on other future dates. The RCT can be reversed after or before settlement with the Invoice. 

Reverse Receipt Voucher or Cancel Receipt 

  • Type in the Receipt Document number in the provided field and click Submit. 

  • If users are unable to recall the Receipt number, 
  • The interface will appear as displayed in the following sample image: 

  • Click on the Reverse The Receipt Now button. 
  • A pop-up will appear to confirm the Reversing RCT. Click OK if confirm to reverse the RCT. 


  • Upon reversing the RCT, the interface will be displayed as the following sample image: 

Reminder: EMP system will capture the Reverse RCT date same as the original RCT document date.  


  • The RCT can be reversed even after the Output Tax in that month (RCT transaction date) has already been filed. Refer to What happens to GST Output Tax when RCT is Reversed after filing?
  • When executing the Reverse Receipt, the receipt or the transaction is not cancelled. 
  • Therefore, in the Journal Transaction (JTxn) both the original transaction of the receipt and also the reverse transaction of the receipt will be displayed. 

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