Pricing Matrix Listing
Pricing Matrix Listing
Menu Path: Inventory > Pricing Matrix > Create Pricing Matrix
- Key in specific customer id or click select for search function → optional, user may ignore
- Select Entity → Customer Type, Member Type, Supplier Type or leave blank to generate all
- Select Branch → tick the box to active the branch filter or leave it deselect all to generate all branches
- Key in Promotion Code→ optional
- Key in Specific Item Code→ optional
- Select Valid Period→ tick to active the date filter or leave it untick to generate all listing
- Select Type → Preceded, commission or blank for all
- Click Generate Report Now
- Make sure the permission to generate pricing matrix listing is allowed under Inventory (Permission)
- Click Edit to edit the pricing matrix → permission is need to enabled under Inventory (Permission)
- Click Delete to delete the pricing matrix → permission is need to be enabled under Inventory (Permission)
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Found 5 search result(s) for promotion.
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