Tax Filing Cycles

Tax Filing Cycles

1. Explanation

  • All GST reporting, for example GAF File and GST Return Form, are generated base on Filing Cycles.
  • In order to generate GAF File and GST Return Form, you will need to ensure that all GST transactions ( Sales, Purchase, Adjustments ) are filed into the correct Filing Cycle.
  • Currently we only support monthly cycle, but we will enhance to have quarterly / half yearly cycle as required by Royal Customs #26136
  • Once a GST Return for a Filing Cycle is submitted to Royal Customs, it is advised to lock the filing cycle to avoid backdated transactions to be included in a Filing Cycle which is already submitted.
  • In most cases, each month will have only 1 Filing Cycle. However, you can create more than 1 Filing Cycle for each month, provided all Filing Cycles for the said month has been LOCKED.
  • This situation will arise if you left out any transactions, which is supposed to be filed into the previous Filing Cycle that has been LOCKED.
  • Each Filing Cycle will automatically be tagged with a Submission No. The first Filing Cycle for the month will have Submission No 1, the next Filing Cycle for the same month will have Submission No 2 and so on.

2. Guide : Create Tax Filing

The function is located @ Extended Modules > Malaysia GST > Tax Filing > Tax Filing Create

3. Guide : Tax Filing Listing

The function is located @ Extended Modules > Malaysia GST > Tax Filing > Tax Filing Listing

4. Guide : Delete Tax Filing

The function is located @ Extended Modules > Malaysia GST > Tax Filing > Tax Filing Create

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