Generation of GST-03 (without support for TX-RE)

Generation of GST-03 (without support for TX-RE)


This is the form that businesses need to submit to the Royal Custom for each filing period.

To generate this Return Form, you will need to first do Input and Output Tax Filing. Thus, only filed transactions will appear in the GAF file.

Explanation on each of the field

SectionField NoField NameRemarks
 0AmendmentIf the Filing Cycle's submission number is not 1, this box will be ticked
Part A1GST NoThe company's GST registration number for which this return form is for
 2Name of BusinessThe company's name for which this return form is for
Part B3Taxable PeriodStart and End dates of the Filing Cycle
 4Return and Payment Due DateLast day of the following month of the End Date of the Filing Cycle. Example, Filing Cycle is from 1 Jan 2016 - 31 Jan 2016, thus, it Due Date will be 28 Feb 2016
 5Output Tax 
 5aTotal Value of Standard Rated SupplyTotal taxable amount for Standard-Rated
Supplies, which Tax Code = SR, DS or FR (excluding GST amount, FR = Flat Rate)
 5bTotal Output TaxTotal Output Tax
 6Input Tax 
 6aTotal Value of Standard Rated AcquisitionTotal taxable amount for Standard-Rated
Acquisition, which Tax Code = TX, IM, or FR (excluding GST amount, FR = Flat Rate)
 6bTotal Input TaxTotal Input Tax
 7GST Amount Payable
 8GST Amount ClaimableItem 5b - Item 6b, if this result in Negative Amount, show the Absolute value here, else leave it blank
 9Do you choose to carry forward refund for GST 
Part C10Total Value of Local Zero-Rated SuppliesTotal amount taxable for Tax Code = ZR-LOCAL (excluding GST amount)
 11Total Value of Export SuppliesTotal amount taxable for Tax Code = ZR-EXPORT (excluding GST amount)
 12Total Value of Exempt SuppliesTotal amount taxable for Tax Code = ES or ES43 (excluding GST amount)
 13Total Value of Supplies Granted GST ReliefTotal amount taxable for Tax Code = RS (excluding GST amount)
 14Total Value of Goods Imported Under Approved Trader SchemeTotal amount taxable for Tax Code = IS-ATS (excluding GST amount)
 15Total Value of GST Suspended under Item 14Total input tax for tax code = IS-ATS
 16Total Value of Capital Goods AcquiredTotal taxable amount (excluding GST amount) of GL Codes, which GST Return Form Section = 16_CAPITAL_GOODS_ACQUIRED. This can be configured @ Accounting > Configurations > Add GL Code and Edit GL Code
 17Bad Debt ReliefTotal taxable amount (excluding GST amount) of GL Codes, which GST Return Form Section = 17_BAD_DEBT_RELIEF. This can be configured @ Accounting > Configurations > Add GL Code and Edit GL Code
 18Bad Debt RecoveredTotal taxable amount (excluding GST amount) of GL Codes, which GST Return Form Section = 18_BAD_DEBT_RECOVERED. This can be configured @ Accounting > Configurations > Add GL Code and Edit GL Code
 19Breakdown Value of Output Tax in accordance with the Major Industries CodeTotal tax for each Major Industry Code


This function is located @ Extended Modules > Malaysia GST > Reports > GST Tax Return

Once generated, you can print the form directly by clicking Printable Page, or download the CSV by clicking Export Data Feed.

Sample Return Form


Sample Return Form in CSV format


GST-03 Guidelines


Claiming GST Refunds


Paying GST

Private & Confidential