Daily Cashier Collection Report
Daily Cashier Collection Report
Menu Path: Trading > Reports > Daily Cashier Collection Report
Referring to Cashier Collection, when cashiers calculate their Sales Collection for the day, this report proved itself of being very useful. Basically, it shows all :
Receipts - Payment Vouchers = Net Collection
Total Amount - Open Float = Bank In Cash
The real purpose is to calculate how much is the net amount suppose to remain in the cashier's drawer at the end of the day. However, invoices are not included because Invoices does not require immediate payment from customers. Hence, payment has not received yet and not shown in this report
- Select the Branch
- Select Date (for one day) and time :
- Create Time → the date any transaction was entered into EMP
- Txn Time → The date the customer made payment (this date can be edited to back-date or post-date from current date) - Select User → refer to Trading (Permission) to allow user to select other
- Click 'Submit'
- Lists all the Receipts (RCT) for the period base on filter
- The total Receipts appeared under Total Amount, eg. RM 25
- The reason why Creation Date was also shown to avoid fraud or mishandling of cash. If the sales was done today but backdated to last year, supervisor can still trace by selecting Txn Time for 8.10.2009 in the filter above.
- Lists all the Payment Vouchers (PV) for the period, based on the filter selected.
- Under Other column, RM 75 is derived from Receipt (Inflow) - Payment (Outflow) :
:- 250 - 150 - 25 = 75. - Total Amount can be obtained :
:- Total Payment = 500 + 120 + 270 + 110 +75 = 1075
:- Total Receipt - PV = 1250 - 150 - 25 = 1075
- The total amount of the report is derived from Total Receipt (Inflow) - Payment (Outflow)
- Example from above screenshot: RM25 (Receipt) - RM10 (Payment Voucher) = RM 15
- The balance or total amount will be shown by method of collection or drawer
- The result might be different when user generate base on "Creation date" or "Txn Date"
- It might due to avoid the fraud or mishandling of cash, therefore Backdated Transaction will occur
- In some reports "REVERSED" may appears,which means this receipt has been reversed.
- Payment vouchers with details, Finance>Payment Vouchers>Search
- Refer to Trading (Permission) for the permisson to view Payment Voucher Listing in this report
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