Non Taxable Supply
Non Taxable Supply
- Exempted Supply
- Out of Scope Supply (Supplies which are not subject to GST)
- Supplies by non registered person
- Supplies not in the course or furtherance of business
- Supplies made outside Malaysia
- supply below threshold (supplies by hawkers)
- Supply of service by employer to his employee - supply for employment purpose
- supply by statutory bodies and local authorities with respect to regulatory and enforcement functions
- Supply by Government (No GST)
- Federal and State Government
- e.g: Assessment, licenses, penalty
- Subject to GST
Water supply
Broadcast (RTM)
Prison department
Sabah State railway
rental of sports complex, parking services, garbage collection
- Other 'Non-taxable' supply (GST is not applicable and Input Tax Claimable)
- Gift below RM 500 & Sample
- Token, Stamp (excluding postage) & Voucher
- Pension, provident or social security fund
- Supply by any society to member without payment (membership)
- Supply by any society to sponsor (of no commercial value)
- Subsequent supply of blocked input supply
- Insurance indemnity settlement
- Diplomatic and consular services by foreign mission
- Supply of goods or services under Islamic financial arrangement other than the provision of financing
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