GST Taxable Amount by Tax Code

GST Taxable Amount by Tax Code

Menu Path: Extended Modules > Malaysia GST > Reports > GST Taxable Amount by Tax Code

  • Select Company
  • Click Submit

  • Choose to generate by Month or by Tax Year
  • Click Generate Report

  • The amount by Tax Code shown as above after generated
  • The months are base on the selection
  • The Formulas are available at the bottom of report


Formulas are:

  1. DMR = (ESN43 + ES) / (FR + SR + ZR + DS + OS + RS + GS + ESN43 + ES) * 100%
  2. DmR status : Exempt Supply is 5000 or less AND DmR is 5% or less
  3. IRR : If ( DMR Status = QUALIFY) then 1
    Else (SR + ZRL + ZDA + DS + RS + GS + OS-TXM + NTX + FR + SR-DCA + ES-DCA + DS-ATS + DS-ISRV ) / (SR + ZRL + ZDA + DS + RS + GS + OS-TXM + NTX + FR + SR-DCA + ES-DCA + DS-ATS + DS-ISRV + ES )

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