EMP Calendar Module

EMP Calendar Module


In order to use the calendar module, firstly it needs to be setup as follows:

EMP Configuration

To turn on the calendar module, go to Control Panel > System Admin > EMP Configurations > System and enable the EMP Calendar.

User Permissions

The calendar module is controlled by three permissions. First, there is the permission to calendar maintenance, which will be covered later. Secondly, there is the permission to view the calendar, which allow user to view the calendar. Finally, there is the permission to edit calendar event, which allows users to create and edit calendar events.

Custom Fields

The calendar events can be customized with custom fields to suit the users’ requirements. For example, user might need a set of custom fields for a delivery event and another set of custom fields for service event. To setup the custom fields, go to Control Panel > System Admin > Custom Fields Setup. Notice that under Applicable To field, there are two options namely Calendar Event Type and Calendar Event Options. This enables a two tier custom fields setup with the parent-child relationship with the former being the parent and the later being the child.

Firstly, there must be at least one existing Calendar Event Type. For demonstration, lets setup a Calendar Event Type called “Delivery”. Notice that when Calendar Event Type is selected, the fields Parent Field, Type and Compulsory are disabled because it is not a custom field.

Now that we have a Calendar Event Type called “Delivery”, lets create its child custom fields. For this demonstration, lets create two custom fields – Delivery person (text box) and Installation (radio button).

After creating the custom fields, the listing will show:

Using the same procedure, multiple Calendar Event Type can be created for the calendar for different purposes such.

Calendar Event Groups

To setup the calendar event groups, user must firstly have the permission to access the calendar maintenance. Go to Control Panel > System Admin > Calendar Maintenance to access the calendar maintenance page. In order to show the calendar group in the EMP Calendar, it must be firstly enabled. On the same page, user can create multiple calendar groups. Overlap is by default checked. If Overlap is unchecked, two or more events of the same group are not allowed to overlap in their time range.

Using the calendar

The calendar can be accessed via the “gear” icon on the top right of any EMP page.

Creating Calendar Events

Creating calendar event is as simple as click and drag the desired time or date range. Once mouse click is released, a calendar event form popup will appear for user to key-in the information for the event.

To edit the event, click on the event block and the calendar event popup will appear for editing.

To change the time of the event, simply drag and drop the event block to another time slot. User can also extend or reduce the time range but dragging the handle which is the bottom border of the event block.

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