Sample Data of Cust User Index Object Collection

Sample Data of Cust User Index Object Collection

    "userValidation": true,
    "resultJSON": [
            "pkid": 100446,
            "guid": "7511A9DE-ACB1-412E-A8C2-2420F410FC72",
            "username": "",
            "password": [],
            "nameFirst": "abc",
            "nameLast": "def",
            "accId": 1154,
            "dob": "Jan 1, 0001 12:00:00 AM",
            "expiry": "Jan 1, 0001 12:00:00 AM",
            "title": "",
            "designation": "",
            "sex": "",
            "ethnic": "",
            "referenceNo": "",
            "icType": "",
            "mainAddress1": "2-02, JALAN AWAN MAKMUR 1,",
            "mainAddress2": "TAMAN OUG SQARE,",
            "mainAddress3": "58200 KUALA LUMPUR.",
            "mainCity": "",
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            "mainCountry": "",
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            "homePhone": " -",
            "mobilePhone": " -",
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            "defaultCardSecurityNum": "",
            "defaultCardValidFrom": "Jan 1, 0001 12:00:00 AM",
            "defaultCardGoodThru": "Jun 1, 2013 12:00:00 AM",
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            "loyaltyCardName2": "",
            "loyaltyCardNumber2": "",
            "loyaltyCardName3": "",
            "loyaltyCardNumber3": "",
            "loyaltyCardName4": "",
            "loyaltyCardNumber4": "",
            "securityCheck": "",
            "state": "cre",
            "status": "act",
            "lastupdate": "Jun 8, 2013 2:00:42 PM",
            "useridEdit": 536,
            "nationality": "",
            "maritalStatus": "",
            "educationLevel": "",
            "grossHouseholdIncome": "",
            "profession": "",
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            "householdJunior": 0,
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            "businessCountry": "",
            "businessNature": "",
            "salesman": 0,
            "vecMemberCard": [],
            "creditTerms": 30,
            "creditLimit": 0,
            "remoteForeignTable": "",
            "remoteForeignKey": 0,
            "branchTaxId": "",
            "branchTaxRunningNo": "",
            "branchType": "" 
            "pkid": 100447,
            "guid": "9084FDAD-4D82-4A03-9420-6CAC76E98675",
            "username": "",
            "password": [],
            "nameFirst": "",
            "nameLast": "",
            "accId": 2305,
            "dob": "Jan 1, 0001 12:00:00 AM",
            "expiry": "Jan 1, 0001 12:00:00 AM",
            "title": "",
            "designation": "",
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            "defaultCardValidFrom": "Jan 1, 0001 12:00:00 AM",
            "defaultCardGoodThru": "Jan 1, 0001 12:00:00 AM",
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            "loyaltyCardName2": "",
            "loyaltyCardNumber2": "",
            "loyaltyCardName3": "",
            "loyaltyCardNumber3": "",
            "loyaltyCardName4": "",
            "loyaltyCardNumber4": "",
            "securityCheck": "",
            "state": "cre",
            "status": "act",
            "lastupdate": "Jul 4, 2013 4:23:02 PM",
            "useridEdit": 500,
            "nationality": "",
            "maritalStatus": "",
            "educationLevel": "",
            "grossHouseholdIncome": "",
            "profession": "",
            "householdNumber": 0,
            "householdJunior": 0,
            "householdSenior": 0,
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            "contactAddress2": "",
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            "businessAddress3": "",
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            "businessState": "",
            "businessCountry": "",
            "businessNature": "",
            "salesman": 0,
            "vecMemberCard": [],
            "creditTerms": 30,
            "creditLimit": 0,
            "remoteForeignTable": "",
            "remoteForeignKey": 0,
            "branchTaxId": "",
            "branchTaxRunningNo": "",
            "branchType": "" 
    "msgCode": 0,
    "msg": "2014-02-13 01:51:10.0" 

Private & Confidential