Settings & Personilaztions - Issue Tracker

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Settings & Personilaztions - Issue Tracker


2.5 Settings

Issues: Settings Page

The settings page consists of fifteen components. Projects, Issue Types, Project Categories, Users, Teams, Field Settings, Default Selection, Applet Access, Permission Set, User Permission, Team Permission, Role Permission, INTEGRATION, Triggers, Applet Log, and Reset Applet State.

2.5.1 Projects

Settings: Projects

The Projects page consists of the projects you have. You can search for a project by project name, project code, project category code, and date created. You can click on any project to view its information and to edit the project. Details

Settings: Projects Edit Details

When you click on a project, you have two tabs details, and notifications, you can edit whatever you want and then click the Save button. In the details tab, you can edit and view Project Code, Project Name, Project Key, Project Status, Description, Project Category, Lead, Default Assgine, and Avatar attachment for the project. Notifications

Settings: Projects Edit Notifications

In the Notifications tab in projects edit, you can view the project notifications, edit a specific notification by clicking on the notification row, create a new notification by clicking on the + button, or search for a specific notification by user name or user username. Add

Settings: Projects Edit Notifications Create

You can create a new notification for the project, by choosing issue status, user, Current Assignee, Current Reporter, Current User, Project Lead, email, and team, and entering the description. Edit

Settings: Projects Edit Notifications Edit

After clicking on a specific notification, you can edit its information, issue status, user, Current Assignee, Current Reporter, Current User, Project Lead, email, team, and description.

2.5.2 Issue Type

Settings: Issues Types

The Issues Types page consists of the issue types you have. You can search for an issue type by issue type name, and issue type code. You can click on any issue type to view its information and to edit the issue type. You can create new issue types by clicking on the + button. Create

Settings: Issues Types create

You can create a new issue type by entering the name, code, and description, then clicking on Submit button. Edit

Settings: Issues Types edit

You can edit an issue type by clicking on the issue type row, then view its code, and edit its name and description, or you can delete the issue type by clicking on the Delete button.

2.5.3 Project Categories

Settings: Project Categories

The Project Categories page consists of the Project Categories you have. You can search for a project category by project category name, and project category code. You can click on any project category to view its information and to edit the project category. You can create new project categories by clicking on the + button. Create

Settings: Project Categories create

You can create a new project category by entering the name, code, and description, then clicking on Submit button. Edit

Settings: Project Categories edit

You can edit a project category by clicking on the project category row, then view its code, and edit its name and description, or you can delete the project category by clicking on the Delete button.

2.5.4 Users

Settings: User

The users' page consists of the users you have. You can search for a user by using email. You can click on any user to view the information and to edit the user. Edit

Settings: users edit

You can edit a user by clicking on the user row, then view its email, and edit its name and rank, or you can delete the user by clicking on the Delete button.

2.5.5 Teams

Settings: Teams

The teams' page consists of the teams you have. You can search for a team by team name, and team code. You can click on any team to view the information and edit the team. You can create a new team by clicking on the + button. Create Details

Settings: Teams Create Details

When you click to create a team, you have two tabs Details and Address tab to fill in the information about the team, then you can click the CREATE button to create the team, or click the RESET button to reset the information. The details tab has Team Name, Team Code, Website, and Description. Create Address

Settings: Teams Create Address

The address tab has the address, postal code, city, country, and state. Edit Details

Settings: Teams Edit Details

When clicking on a team row to edit it, you will have details, addresses, and user tabs. You can edit the team information and then click on the Save button to save the changes. You can delete the team by clicking on the Delete button. The details tab allows you to view and edit the team name, team code, website, and description. Edit Address

Settings: Teams Edit Address

The address tab enables you to edit/view address, address line 2, postal code, city, country, and state. Edit Users

Settings: Teams Edit Users

The users' tab has the users in the team. You can search for a user by user name or user username. You can add a new user to the team by clicking on the + button. You can edit/view a user by clicking on the user row. Add

Settings: Teams Edit Address Create

To add a new user to a team, you need to select the user and the rank and type a description, finally click on the + ADD USER(S) button. Edit

Settings: Teams Edit Address Edit

When you click on a user row, you can edit and view its username, rank, and description.

2.5.6 Field Settings

Settings: Fields Settings

In fields settings, you can enable or disable the Unit Discount, SST/VAT/GST, WHT, Blanket Order, Segment, G/L Dimensional, Profit Center, and Project.

2.5.7 Default Selection

Settings: Default Selection

In default selection, you can choose for the applet the default branch and location.

2.5.8 Applet Access

Settings: Applet Access

In applet access, you can choose the teams access, and add a new team. Finally, click on the Save button.

2.5.9 Permission Set

Settings: Premsstion Set

In the permission set, you can see the list of permission sets, add new permission sets, and search for specific permission sets by created date and modified date.

2.5.10 User Permission

Settings: user permission

In the user permission, you can see the list of user permissions, and search for specific permission by rank.

2.5.11 Team Permission

Settings: team permission

In the team permission, you can see the list of team permissions, and search for specific permission.

2.5.12 Role Permission

Settings: role permission

In the role permission, you can see the list of role permissions, search for specific role permission, and add new role permission by clicking on the + button. Add

Settings: role permission add

To add a new role, you need to add a name, code, and choose the status, then click on the SAVE button.

2.5.13 Triggers

Settings: triggers

On the triggers page, you can view the list of the applet triggers, or create new applet triggers.

2.6 Personalization

Issues: Personalization Page

The Personalization Page has multiple pages, Field Settings, Default Selection THEMES AND COLORS, Preset Themes, Sidebar, ACCESSIBILITY, Color Assist, and Easy Navigation. Also, you can report a bug.

2.6.1 Default Selection

Issues: Personalization Default Selection Page

You can select the default branch and location on this page.

2.6.2 Sidebar

Issues: Personalization Sidebar Page

You can select Logo Background Color and Sidebar Background Color on this page.

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