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5.5 Perform Intercompany Transactions (Source Generic Document)
To initiate an intercompany transaction, you need to create a Source Generic Document. In this case, it will be a Sales Invoice.
Creating a New Sales Invoice
a. Main Details Tab:
Select the supplier company branch and location. In this case, the supplier is JP-HQ.
b. Account Tab > Entity Details:
Select the customer entity with which the transaction will be performed. In this case, the customer is SUNRISE SERVICES-IN CUST.
c. Account Tab > Intercompany:
The selected branch and entity for the sales invoice will be auto-populated.
Select the Intercompany Branch (customer branch) where the transaction will take place. In this case, the intercompany branch is SSS-CUST-HQ.
Choose the appropriate configuration created in 6.4 Create Intercompany Configuration.
d. Lines Tab:
Click the ‘+’ button, and search for the item.
Select the item, then click ‘ADD’.
e. Save and finalize the Sales Invoice.
Monitoring Intercompany Transactions
Using the Internal Sales Invoice Applet, go to the Intercompany submenu:
Displays intercompany transactions waiting for confirmation. All sales invoices with MANUAL configurations will appear here. Once the transaction has been confirmed, it will appear in the PROCESSED tab.
Displays completed intercompany transactions. All finalized sales invoices with AUTO configurations will appear here.
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