2.0 Features and Function

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2.0 Features and Function

2.1 Google Analytics Implementation

Firstly, Google Analytics is to be implemented in the CP-Commerce Admin Applet, and this is why it is crucial:-

  1. Gain Insight into User Behavior: Google Analytics provides detailed insights into how users interact with your e-commerce website. You can track pages they visit, products they view, and actions they take, such as completing a purchase or abandoning a shopping cart. Understanding user behavior helps you make informed decisions to improve the user experience and optimise your site for conversions.

  2. Traffic Sources and Channels: Google Analytics allows you to identify the sources of traffic to your e-commerce site. You can see which channels (organic search, paid search, social media, etc.) are driving visitors to your site. This information helps you allocate resources effectively and invest more in channels that deliver the best results.

  3. Understanding Customer Demographics: Google Analytics provides demographic data about your e-commerce website visitors, including age, gender, location, and devices used. This information helps you create targeted marketing campaigns and tailor your content to better suit your audience.

  4. Identifying Popular Products: E-commerce tracking in Google Analytics allows you to see which products are the most popular, which ones generate the most revenue, and how often they are viewed. This insight helps in inventory management, pricing strategies, and product promotion.

  5. Monitoring Site Performance: Google Analytics can track the performance of your website in terms of page load times and user experience. Slow-loading pages can negatively impact user satisfaction and conversions. By identifying and addressing performance issues, you can enhance the overall user experience.

  6. Campaign Performance Evaluation: For e-commerce businesses running various marketing campaigns, Google Analytics helps in evaluating the performance of each campaign. You can track the effectiveness of email campaigns, social media promotions, and paid advertising to optimise your marketing budget.

In summary, implementing Google Analytics for e-commerce provides valuable data and insights that enable businesses to make informed decisions, optimise their online presence, and ultimately drive better results in terms of sales and customer satisfaction.



2.2 How to Ensure Google Analytics Captures Hash Routes from Your Website

a. What are Hash Routes?

Hash routes, often associated with single-page applications (SPAs), involve the use of hash fragments (#) in website URLs to manage navigation and content loading dynamically without causing a full page reload.

In the context of web development, a hash route typically refers to the part of the URL that follows the "#" symbol. This fragment is manipulated by JavaScript to update the page's content without requiring a complete refresh. For example:-

In a traditional URL, you might have:


In a traditional URL, you might have:


In a hash route-based URL, you might have:

Example Domain

In a hash route-based URL, you might have:

Example Domain

b. Capturing Hash Routes in Google Analytics using the Angular 5 Application

Most application routes are based on "/#/". For example, "/#/home" and "/#/contact". Sometimes, users may see in their Google Analytics changes to the "/" route. This means there is an issue where Google Analytics is dumping the user’s hash routes following "#." To capture those routes in the user’s Google Analytics, users can use the following code:

gtag('config', 'YOUR_ID' , { 'page_path': location.pathname + location.hash });

gtag('config', 'YOUR_ID' , { 'page_path': location.pathname + location.hash });

By subscribing to route.events will fire the above code every time the route changes.

2.3 Title Tag Re-Writer Implementation

The second feature to be implemented is the title tag re-writer. Title tags are an essential element of on-page SEO (search engine optimisation). They are HTML (hypertext markup language) elements that define the title of a web page. Here are some reasons why implementing a title tag rewriter is important for an e-commerce website:

  1. SEO Optimisation: Title tags play a crucial role in search engine rankings. Search engines use them to understand the content of a page and to display relevant information in search results. By dynamically rewriting title tags based on the content of each page, you can optimise them for specific keywords, improving your website's visibility in search engine results.

  2. User Click-Through Rates: A compelling title tag can increase the likelihood that users will click on your website when it appears in search results. By tailoring title tags to be more descriptive, relevant, and appealing, you can attract the attention of potential customers and encourage them to visit your e-commerce site.

  3. Product Visibility: In e-commerce, the visibility of your products is critical. By customising title tags for individual product pages, you can highlight key features, benefits, or promotions, making your products stand out in search engine listings.

  4. Competitive Edge: An effective title tag rewriter can help you stay competitive in the online marketplace. By staying up-to-date with industry trends, keyword research, and customer behavior, you can regularly update your title tags to align with what your target audience is searching for.

  5. Dynamic Content Updates: E-commerce websites often have a large number of product pages with dynamic content. A title tag rewriter allows you to automatically generate and update title tags based on the changing content of your pages, ensuring that your titles remain relevant and accurate.

2.3.1 Rewriting Title Tags

By using Angular, the user may program the title tag of their website based on the configuration at the CP-Commerce Admin Applet using the "Title Service." This is mainly used to rewrite the title tag as needed based on the current campaign and promotions.

3.0 Schema Generator Implementation for CP-Commerce

Each schema is limited to one website, but one website can have multiple schema types being tied to it, the reason being that the attribute and configurations that users input in each schema type and the URL and specs are very specific to the page, website, post, etc.

The users will configure the schema in one of the tabs after they click on a single website to configure the other settings of the website.

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