3.0 My Sessions

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3.0 My Sessions


In this stock-take mobile app, all stock-taking takes place in the context of the same device that is to be registered from the start. More information about registering a stock-taking device on the mobile app is provided in this section.

Figure 1. My Sessions Screen

This "My Sessions" screen lists all the stock take sessions that are linked to the unique stock take device of the user. The user is assigned to and also under a particular session. This listing only shows the currently open sessions that the user’s stock take device on the Android mobile is linked to.

There is a search bar at the top that allows the user to filter the stock take sessions by their name and code. To enter a stock-take session and start the stock take recording process, click on the intended session card. This will take you to another screen to start or continue recording stock. More on this is covered in this section.

Figure 2. Leaving a Session

The user is also provided with the functionality to leave a session. This can be done by long-pressing the session, and a dialog box prompt will pop up, allowing the user to leave the session.

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